City Council Proceedings
January 6, 2020
The governing body of the City of Powell met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on January 6, 2020 in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Wetzel opened the meeting and led those in attendance in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Wetzel called the meeting to order and the following were present: Mayor John Wetzel, Council Members Jim Hillberry, Tim Sapp, Scott Mangold, Floyd Young, Lesli Spencer and Steven Lensegrav. City Officials: City Administrator Zack Thorington, City Clerk Tiffany Brando, City Attorney Sandee Kitchen, Deputy Attorney Scott Kath, Water/Wastewater Supt. Ty McConnell and Parks Supt. Tim Miller.
Approval of Agenda: Councilman Hillberry moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Approval of December 16, 2019 minutes: Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Bills and Claims: Mayor Wetzel abstained from #53 and Councilman Young #72. Councilman Young made a motion the bills be allowed and authorize the Treasurer to draw warrants for payment of the same, seconded by Councilman Mangold, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing: Budget Amendment 2019-2020 opened by Attorney Kitchen at 6:02 p.m. No comments closed hearing at 6:03 p.m.
Resolution No. 1, 2020: A Resolution to Amend the 2019-2020 Budget General Fund Increased by $15,000 Moyer Fund Grant. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Resolution No. 2, 2020: Waiver of Open Container PHS Class of 2000 July 10, 2020 at Plaza Diane. Councilman Young moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Hillberry, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Request Waiver of Building Permit Fees: Bud Schrickling addressed council asking for waiver of permit fees for the American Legion Post 26 Wall of Honor. The city owns the property and agreement in place. Councilman Mangold moved to approve the waiver of fees, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Service Contract Maguire Iron to install new east water tower vent to comply with EPA. Councilman Hillberry moved to approve and authorize signatures, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Water and Wastewater Department annual update by Superintendent Ty McConnell. Parks Department annual update by Superintendent Tim Miller. General Announcements: Administrator Thorington asked council to complete the annual written disclosures.
Executive Session: Councilwoman Spencer made a motion to go into executive session per WY St. St. 16-4-405 (a) (vii), seconded by Councilman Young, Motion Carried. Mayor Wetzel declared meeting in executive session at 6:39p.m. Return to Regular Session: Mayor Wetzel returned to regular session at 6:54 p.m. No Action Taken.
There being no further business to be considered at this meeting, Councilman Mangold moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Wetzel adjourned the regular meeting at 6:54 p.m.
/s/ John F. Wetzel
/s/ Tiffany Brando
City Clerk
Publ., Tues., Jan. 14, 2020
1 AFLAC Dependent Childcare $516.66 Payroll Deductions
2 AFLAC Insurance Premiums $2,269.84 Payroll Deductions
3 AFLAC Unreimbursed Medical $4,003.14 Payroll Deductions
4 Internal Revenue Service $94,832.22 FICA
5 Great West Retirement Service $22,883.19 Deferred Compensation
7 Workers Compensation $28,119.84 Worker’s Compensation
8 Wyoming Retirement System $51,638.65 Retirement Contribution
9 Health Benefit Plan $104,660.00 Plan Benefit
10 360 Office Solutions Aqua,Fin 231.19 November Copy Fees
11 Absaroka Door Police 97.00 Service Call Door Repairs
12 Aldrich’s Various 936.64 Misc Purchases for Various Departments
13 Alsco Various 163.32 Mat Cleaning
14 AT&T Mobility Admin 133.14 Monthly Cell Admin & IT
15 Bar T Electric Electric 50.07 PVC
16 Big Valley Bearing & Supply Streets 66.90 Chipping Helmet
17 Blair’s Market Aqua,Shop 22.25 Concessi Sup., Paper Plates, Bowls &
18 Bloedorn Lumber Parks 83.98 Paint for Warming Hut
19 Border States Electric Supply Electric 978.72 Clamps & Time Clocks
20 Borders, Jason Streets 40.00 CDL Fees
21 Bradford Supply Company Parks,Wtr 74.06 Toilet Flange, Couplings & Nipples
22 Carquest Various 328.64 Filters, Rotors & Air Fittings
23 Charter Communications Police 7.43 Monthly Cable TV
24 City of Powell ~ Utilities Various 26,190.29 Monthly Utility Fees
25 Colonial Research Chemical Corp Electric 183.09 Hand Wipes
26 Cross Petroleum Service Shop 1,370.00 Bulk Oil
27 Cummins Sales and Service Sani 2,144.33 Compressor
28 Dick Jones Trucking Sani 2,400.00 Cardboard Hauling Fees
29 Elks Lodge #2303 Council 1,100.00 Employee Recognition Dinner
30 Energy Laboratories, Inc WstWtr 460.00 Waste Water Testing
31 Fastenal Various 462.58 Towels, Dispenser, Soap, Bolts, Nuts,
Wipes & Paint
32 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #2697 Water 287.65 Meter Flange Kits
33 Fremont Beverages, Inc. Aquatics 351.98 Cups, Straws, Gatorade & Pepsi
34 Galls LLC Police 112.97 Uniform Pants
35 General Distributing Co Aquatics 1,360.00 CO2
36 Graybar Electric Company Electric 7,209.79 Transformer, Bulbs, & LED Driver
37 Hartford, The Various 1,450.36 Monthly LTD Benefit
38 HDR Engineering Inc. Electric 2,864.72 Vining Substation Eng. Fees
39 John Deere Financial Various 661.06 Misc Purchases for Various Departments
40 Keele Sanitation Sani 300.00 Vac Truck Service for Sani Drain
41 Long Building Technologies, Inc Aquatics 2,613.36 HVAC & Pool Pak Repairs
42 LP Anderson Tire Co Water 1,124.00 Backhoe Tires
43 Marquis Awards & Specialties Police 101.90 Plaque A Kent Retirement
44 Mountain West Computer Various 481.51 Hard Drives, Calendars, Adapters, Coffee,
Mouse & Keyboard
45 MT Waterworks & Irrigation Water 142.88 Coupling
46 Napa Auto Parts Various 813.85 Batteries, Bead Seater, Wiper Blades,
Creeper, Fittings Etc.
47 Nighthawk Electric 3,588.75 Meters
48 Northwest Rural Water District Arprt,WWat 152.90 Monthly Water Fees
49 O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. Various 296.63 Batter Tenders, Heater Actuator, Seat
Cover, Gloves & Butane
50 Office Shop, The Police 26.72 Monthly Copy Machine Fees
51 Park County Clerk Admin 15.00 Title for Sanitation Chipper
52 Powell Ace Hardware, LLC Various 690.55 Misc Purchases for Various Departments
53 Powell Tribune Admin 50.00 Annual Subscription
54 Powell Welding & Indus Supply, LLC Shp,Strets 183.50 Grease & Sanding/Grinding Cone
55 Rates Water 200.00 Operator Certification Training
56 Real Deal Plumbing, The LLC Electric 1,540.00 Replace Water Heater in Shop
57 Rimrock Tire Pol,Sani 451.53 Recaps, Rotation & Repair on Tires
58 Rocky Mountain Power WstWtr 14.61 Power for Pump
59 Saber Pest Control, LLC. Aquatics 100.00 Pest Prevention
60 Sanders Plumbing & Heating, Inc Shp,Wter 320.00 Freeze Water Line Cheyenne St & Service
Call at Shop
61 Selby’s Admin 586.73 Power Supply for Plotter
62 TCT Various 1,159.69 Phone, Fax, Internet & Cable TV
63 Verizon Wireless Various 1,253.16 Monthly Cell Phone Charges
64 Visa Various 8,238.75 Misc Purchases for Various Departments
65 Warren Transport Sani 10,706.02 Trash Hauling Fees
66 Wesco Electric 162.24 Leathers for Hot Gloves
67 White Ink Inspection 40.00 Business Cards B Hubbard
68 Williams Inland Distributors Aquatics 135.84 Ice-Cream for Concessions
69 Woodward Tractor & Rental Inc Elec,Prks 1,147.99 Snow Blower, Service Kit & Crimp Dies
70 Wyoming Fire Safety Airport 137.00 Fire Extinguisher Maintenance
71 Wyo Law Enforcement Academy Police 1,484.50 Basic & Ammo Training B Hancock
72 Young, Floyd Council 31.90 Mileage Reimbur. YCAN Greybull
TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIMS FOR:7-Jan-19 $90,113.67
Publ., Tues., Jan. 14, 2020