Task force approval a huge step for state shooting complex site

With a recommendation from the task force in hand, Park County is one step closer to being the location of a new state shooting complex.  It’s exciting news, and the local group that …
More editorials
The Yellowstone National Park rangers who shot and killed an armed man in Canyon Village on July 4 should be commended for almost certainly saving many lives. As more details of the incident …
The primary election is still more than a month away and already there have been two big candidate forums in Powell and numerous other smaller events for certain candidates or groups of candidates …
It’s been nearly two years since I left the Cody Enterprise for the Powell Tribune and left behind the hassle of working in a tourist town during the summer.  Now, I can pretty well …
Park County made the cut.  Our bid for the Wyoming State Shooting Complex is now one of just three finalists left, and while there are plenty of reasons as to why the location south of Cody …
While talking with longtime Marquis Awards owners John and Terry Collins about the summer closing — and hopeful sale — of their Bent Street business that began in their home in 1983, they …
Barbara Mandrell sang “Sleeping single in a double bed ...” Barb was bemoaning the fact she's alone in a big bed, but I find it perfectly delightful. I've long trumpeted the benefits of …
“I love it when a plan comes together!” The phrase attributed to John “Hannibal” Smith from the popular 1980s TV show — “The A Team,” sums up a feeling …
Well, it’s been a quiet season so far at York Westbound. Fellow Prairie Home Companion/Garrison Keillor fans might sniff out a subtle reference to his iconic opening line: “Well, …
The majority of this column is a condensed version of a recent talk about finding joy by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Flying was risky in the early days of aviation. The Wright brothers knew this. …
I often write letters to our offspring. We text almost daily, call a few times each month and try to get together whenever we can, but I still like to write letters to them. Do they hate getting the …
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Letters to the Editor
Hope for our country is up to us
Dear editor: Did you ever think Reds (Republican-leaning) and Blues (Democrat-leaning) could watch a Trump-Biden presidential debate together? It happened, successfully! We were among …
Seek out real facts of candidates running for office
Dear editor: Following a 2024 Wyoming legislative session that was marred by misinformation, I urge voters to seek out the real facts about the candidates in the various races. I would like to …
Take your voting responsibility seriously
Dear editor: Discernment. Discernment is a learned skill. We should learn this from our parents. Parents should sit down with children and discuss the concepts of decision making. If you are …
Understanding where our tax dollars are going
Dear editor: Many of us pay a variety of taxes, but understanding where that money goes can be confusing. Let's break down the destinations of our tax dollars in Wyoming. Property Taxes: …
Commissioners seem to make liberal use of closed-door sessions
Dear editor: I would like to thank the Tribune for publishing the guest editorial “A Hiding Habit” June 27, 2024. I have long thought our Park County commissioners make pretty …