Proposed by-laws


Garland Light and Power Co.
This notice is to inform the members of Garland Light and Power Co. that proposed changes to the by-laws will be voted on at the April 22, 2021 Board Meeting.
The main purpose for the revisions is to update the by-laws so that they accurately reflect practices that we are already following, to provide changes for electronic communications, and to delete obsolete language. A summary of the amendments is below:
ARTICLE I Section 1 Qualifications and Obligations of Members: This change specifically lists qualifications and responsibilities of members.
ARTICLE I Section 3 Power Production by Member: Members who generate power are subject to appropriate regulations and shall pay a minimum amount per month regardless of the amount of electricity consumed or produced.
ARTICLE I Section 4 Wiring of Premises: All wiring to remain in accordance with the NEC and member responsibilities pertaining to the care of physical facilities and access for Cooperative personnel.
ARTICLE I Section 5 Easements: Members shall grant easements to the Cooperative for safe and reliable access to the member’s property.
ARTICLE III Section 2 Tenure and Qualifications: Updates to the qualifications of Directors.
ARTICLE III Section 6 Removal of Directors: This section pertains to the removal of one or more directors for just cause.
ARTICLE IV Section 5 Telephonic and Electronic Board Meetings: This is a new section for telephonic and electronic Board Meetings.
Updated Nondisclosure Statement
For a complete review of the original and proposed bylaws, please contact our office at 307-754-2881.
Publ., Tues., March 23, 2021
