Young Lady Panther swimmers leave the blocks Saturday

Posted 8/25/11

Only two state qualifiers, Anya Tracy and Belen Quillen, return this year, but Robertson said juniors Korrie Kalberer and Courtenay Zorgati were close as was sophomore Baxter Heinert. A number of others were within a few seconds and could step up …

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Young Lady Panther swimmers leave the blocks Saturday


A bigger and younger team reported for duty last week when Powell Lady Panther swim coach Luke Robertson greeted his new team.

Of the 30 swimmers working out with the team in preparation for this weekend’s opening competition, 14 are freshmen. Throw in two junior transfers, and more than half of the team is new this year.

Only two state qualifiers, Anya Tracy and Belen Quillen, return this year, but Robertson said juniors Korrie Kalberer and Courtenay Zorgati were close as was sophomore Baxter Heinert. A number of others were within a few seconds and could step up this year, and Robertson is excited about the freshmen.

“We have a solid core of freshmen with lots of USA experience,” Robertson said.

“Jessica will be working one-on-one with the girls,” Robertson said. “The more eyes you have at practice, the more individual attention you can give the girls.”

Tracy, Quillen, Kalberer and junior Sarah Wurzel have been named team captains for the season.

Robertson said many of 3A teams in the state are in situations similar to Powell’s. Last year’s champion, Jackson, and perennial power Lander both lost some top swimmers to graduation, Roberston said as did most other 3A teams. Both the Lady Broncs and the Lady Tigers will likely have fast teams in the pool, but Robertson doesn’t know how strong they will be.

“The neat thing about is that we have a new young group, but the other teams are in the same situation,” Robertson said. “It’s neat to go into the season not knowing what the other teams have. I know what i’ve got, but not what everybody else has.”

The first home action for the Lady Panthers will be a dual with Worland on Thursday, Sept. 8 at 5 p.m. They will host their own Gene Dozah Invitational on Saturday, Sept. 10 beginning at 11 a.m.


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