Traffic light would make Coulter, Mountain View intersection safer

Submitted by Anita Mayes
Posted 11/16/23

Dear editor:

My husband and I are Lovell residents and have spent the last six months going back and forth to the Powell hospital, physical therapists and my doctor at the Powell Clinic. The …

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Traffic light would make Coulter, Mountain View intersection safer


Dear editor:

My husband and I are Lovell residents and have spent the last six months going back and forth to the Powell hospital, physical therapists and my doctor at the Powell Clinic. The traffic from Coulter Ave and Mountain View Street is so busy because of shoppers at Albertsons and Family Dollar, not to mention the medical community and other businesses on that street. I would love to shop more at Albertsons but the traffic as you leave the store to get back onto Coulter Avenue concerns me a great deal. As an older driver I am not comfortable with that much traffic without a traffic light. I really would like to see a traffic light there at Mountain View Street and Coulter Avenue, and hopefully that’ll help the traffic when you leave Albertsons, also. Back when Albertsons was ShopKo, the traffic was very busy and I always wished for a traffic light back then, too.

I’m asking the City of Powell to seriously consider having a traffic light installed to help with the congestion and to ensure better safety for all drivers. Thank you for printing this.

Anita Mayes



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