Simpsons thank community for support

Submitted by Al and Ann Simpson
Posted 1/16/25

Dear editor:

Ann and I deeply appreciate all the expressions of concern and love extended to us by so many people during the last several weeks I have been ailing. And that’s why we want …

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Simpsons thank community for support


Dear editor:

Ann and I deeply appreciate all the expressions of concern and love extended to us by so many people during the last several weeks I have been ailing. And that’s why we want to provide you this update on my improving condition.

I fell at home the night of Dec. 24 and broke my poor, old right hip. I had surgery in Billings on Christmas Day — all in all, still a merry day with family close at hand — to repair, not replace, it. My hip is well on the mend and I’m regaining strength every day.

After a week-plus in Billings we were all anxious to return to Cody where I have continued to receive wonderful care and physical therapy at Cody Regional Health. The physicians, nurses, therapists and other staffers are terrific, caring people and our community is fortunate to have this modern medical facility. (And the food is darned good, too!)

Cody Country is where Ann and I have always felt completely enveloped in the loving arms of so many people who care about us — as we care about them. For us there’s just no place like Cody. This is always home.

Thanks again to all the good folks of Cody, Powell, Park County, the Big Horn Basin and the rest of Wyoming for your steadfast support. It really does mean everything to us!

Gratefully and with love.

Al and Ann Simpson



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