Recreation District sponsoring open gym

Posted 6/1/10

“Both the high school weight room and the auxiliary gymnasium will be open to the public from 6-8 p.m. on those nights,” said Colby Stenerson, director of the Powell Recreation District. “We ask that users enter the high school …

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Recreation District sponsoring open gym


Program one of many new summer activitiesThe Powell Recreation District, in conjunction with the Powell school district, will sponsor an open gym at Powell High School during the summer. The program is free of charge for community members. The open gym will run Monday through Thursday, beginning on June 1 and running through July 22.

“Both the high school weight room and the auxiliary gymnasium will be open to the public from 6-8 p.m. on those nights,” said Colby Stenerson, director of the Powell Recreation District. “We ask that users enter the high school through the back doors.”

The open gym program is just one of several new offerings from the Powell Recreation District coming this summer. Additional programs in the weeks ahead will include:

• The Zany Games and Sports Camp, June 14-17 —Designed to be a fast-paced few days of fun where the boring is simply not allowed, this camp for ages 9-12 will introduce kids to a variety of crazy games and activities combined with traditional sports. Frisbee golf, blanket volleyball, human bowling, martial arts, water games, wallyball, games in the tradition of television's “Minute to Win It” and a water slide are all part of the agenda. The camp will run from 9:30 a.m.-noon daily and the cost to participate is $7.50 total.

• Kids vs. Wild Camp, June 28-July 1 — Designed to be a wilderness and outdoor camp without transporting kids outside of town, the Kids vs. Wild Camp will introduce participants to archery, fly fishing, camping skills, shooting, orienteering, fishing and survival skills. Yes, there will also be a water slide. Geared for ages 9-12, the camp will run from 9:30 a.m.-noon daily at a cost of $7.50.

• Amazing Adventure Camp, July 12-15 — For those really wanting to live life on the wild side, the Powell Recreation District offers the Amazing Adventure Camp. Filled with activities like rock climbing, ropes courses, adventures patterned after television's “Amazing Race,” scavenger hunts, geocaching and more, including the water slide on Homesteader hill. This camp is again designed for those ages 9-12 and will run from 9:30 a.m.-noon. Registration cost is $7.50.

• Wacky Arts and Crafts Camp, July 19-22 — The Powell Recreation District will put a spin on normal arts and crafts by helping campers make some cool and crazy projects while throwing in some weird science. Campers will also get to break out for a little water slide fun. For ages 9-12, the camp runs from 9:30 a.m.-noon, with a $10 registration cost.

•Dog Obedience Classes — Having problems with your pooch? If so, this could be the class for you. If your dog barks, trembles, jumps, growls, bites, pulls while on a leash, acts upset or aggressive at other doges or people, has housebreaking issues or destructive behavior or refuses to come when called, here's your chance to get answers. With certified dog listener Beverly Morgan, those in class will gain new skills and insights when it comes to man's best friend. Morgan will start with one mandatory pre-requisite class before holding other subject classes. Pre-requisite classes will take place on June 3 and June 10. Owners are asked not to bring their dogs to class — classes are for owners only.

Subsequent classes will cover topics like aggression, barking, separation anxiety, hyperactivity in dogs, puppies, rescue and senior dogs and walking your dog. All classes start at 6:30 p.m.

• Adult Co-Ed Kickball — Break out the big, red ball and relive those recesses of old by playing in the adult kickball league. Teams can place up to 11 players in the field and have up to 20 kickers. Can't find a team? The Rec District will keep a list and make one for you. The league will run from June 30-July 26 with games on Monday and Wednesday evenings. The cost is $30 per team.

• Adult Co-Ed Sand Volleyball —Four-player teams will battle it out on the sand on Monday and Wednesday evenings from June 7-30. Teams must have two men and two women. Registration is $30 per team.

• Little Hoopers Basketball — Students in grades 2-3 are invited to participate in the Little Hoopers league, a basketball program designed to teach the most basic fundamentals of the game to the very youngest of players and give them an early start on the hardwood. The aim is to help players learn to love the game while developing the basic skills of dribbling, passing and shooting to provide a foundation for future development in the game. A variety of games will be played in order to keep things fun and exciting for all. The Little Hoopers league is open to boys and girls and runs from July 7-21 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9-10 a.m. Registration is $10.

Other traditional summer programs will also be offered this summer by the Powell Recreation District, according to Stenerson. Taekwndo, Kids' Fishing Day (June 5), youth golf lessons, gymnastics, peewee and youth tennis, kids' camp, the June 26 fun run and men's, women's and girls' softball are all on the agenda.


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