Re: Guest editorial by Ogden Driskill and Albert Sommers 

Submitted by Marvin Leonhardt 
Posted 10/5/23

Dear editor:

Mr. Driskill and Mr. Sommers say Traditional Republicans are true Conservatives! Who knew? Traditional yes, Conservative no. Amassing huge sums of tax dollars is Conservative? Too …

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Re: Guest editorial by Ogden Driskill and Albert Sommers 


Dear editor:

Mr. Driskill and Mr. Sommers say Traditional Republicans are true Conservatives! Who knew? Traditional yes, Conservative no. Amassing huge sums of tax dollars is Conservative? Too bad “Traditional Republicans” Driskill and Sommers did not inform us that the surplus facing the 2023 Legislature was around $2 billion. Too bad they did not inform us that those “Conservatives” decided in their wisdom to spend at least $500 million of that over and above the 2022 budget. And Wyoming taxes are so low! Perhaps they think we have not noticed the astronomical increases in our property taxes in the last few years? Too bad the “Traditional Republicans” with a $2 billion surplus could not come up with a solution to the property tax issue. Perhaps simple solutions like capping the increase in taxes as proposed by Park County Assessor Pat Meyer, or simply adjusting millage rates to keep revenue equal presented by myself to Park County Commissioners are just too complicated for “Traditional Republicans”?

And those billion dollar house bills. Too bad “Traditional Republicans” Driskill and Sommers did not tell us what they were. H.B. 66 mentioned was an attempt by House District 57 Representative Jeanette Ward to preserve our freedom by prohibiting discrimination based on facial coverings, vaccination status, and medical testing. H.B. 116 was House District 58 Representative Bill Allemand’s proposal to prohibit foreign ownership of property in Wyoming. “Traditional Republicans” have figured out that they can poison a bill by putting outrageous estimates on the cost of a bill. It is said that figures don’t lie, but liars figure. They would throw “we the people” under the bus in a heartbeat rather than lose a single federal dollar!

And to think that “we the people” have elected these “Traditional Republican Conservatives”! We have our own House District 25 “Traditional Republican Conservative,” Mr. Medicaid Expansion David Northrup. You know, Wyoming solutions for Wyoming problems. We do get what we deserve, don’t we?

Marvin Leonhardt 



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