Raymond Dawson


(Dec. 20, 2006)

Raymond “Pete” Dawson, a life-long resident of Powell, died Dec. 20, 2006, at the Powell Valley Care Center. He was 84.

He was born in June of 1922 to John and Lula Moffet Dawson in Powell. He graduated from Powell High School and spent his working years employed by his brothers, Wayne and Russell Dawson of Dawson Blacksmith. He was employed in the shop as an excellent welder and fabricator for more than 50 years.

Pete rarely talked about his World War II experiences, usually responding that he spent the entire time on the ship. However, he was involved in eight bloody battles in the South Pacific as a Sea Bee attached to the Marines. The war left him weak from malaria and scarred from jungle rot.

Pete was a fixture at local sporting events, attending most of the matches, meets and games within the state. He once was recognized for his stalwart following of Panther athletic teams.

He was always there for his family in time of need or to just visit and tell stories from years past from his excellent memory. He had a special status in the hearts of his nieces and nephews, Debbie Dawson Logan of Powell, Glenda Dawson Kehwald of Billings, John Dawson of Powell and Wayne Dawson of California.

He was buried in Crown Hill Cemetery.


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