Property rights under assault by land use plan

Submitted by Susan Lyke
Posted 11/14/23

Dear editor:

In his opinion piece on Nov. 8, Cody Enterprise editor Garrett Ammesmaki bemoaned corrections to the Park County Land Use Plan as “bureaucratic semantics.” Despite what …

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Property rights under assault by land use plan


Dear editor:

In his opinion piece on Nov. 8, Cody Enterprise editor Garrett Ammesmaki bemoaned corrections to the Park County Land Use Plan as “bureaucratic semantics.” Despite what the papers are saying, this plan is an absolute nightmare, and it’s unfortunate that certain people involved in the process and certain people in the public want to just see it passed without even knowing what it says.

Planning and Zoning Commissioner Brian Peters and County Commissioner Lloyd Thiel are being accused of stymying the process by “taking things out of context” and “chasing ghosts.” Quite the opposite is true. How about this for context, as quoted from page one of the document: “The LUP is used to guide day-to-day decisions regarding zoning, subdivision, and other standards and regulations that influence the physical growth and development of Park County ...”

Private property rights are under full assault in this plan, and I’m glad to see at least two people willing to publicly support landowners and work hard to get it right. Additionally, Mr. Ammesmaki, it’s not the “vocal minority” holding up the show. In over 100 pages of comments to the draft plan earlier this year, the majority strongly opposed this document, and these comments were completely ignored in the development of the adoption draft. The “vocal majority” was finally heard in October following meetings where the majority voices filled the room. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners are right to reevaluate and take the time needed to rework this terrible document. I hope more county residents wake up to what is in this plan before it’s too late.

Susan Lyke



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