Powell welcomes first baby of centennial year

Posted 1/8/09

Asher joins brother Greyson, age 2. He weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces and measured 21 inches.

Asher was due on Dec. 30, but arrived a bit late. The Avilas knew that the first baby of the new year hadn't been born as of Monday morning. Another …

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Powell welcomes first baby of centennial year


{gallery}01_08_09/firstbaby{/gallery}Parents Chaz and Rebecca Avila and brother Greyson are pictured with Asher Elliot on Tuesday at Powell Valley Hospital. Asher, born Monday, was the first baby delivered at the hospital in 2009, Powell's centennial year. Tribune photo by Toby BonnerAsher Elliot Avila is only a few days old, but he already has made a name for himself. Asher, born Monday, Jan. 5, debuts as the first baby of Powell's centennial year.Chaz and Rebecca Avila of Powell welcomed their new baby at 2:07 p.m. on Monday, making him the first baby born at Powell Valley Hospital in 2009.

Asher joins brother Greyson, age 2. He weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces and measured 21 inches.

Asher was due on Dec. 30, but arrived a bit late. The Avilas knew that the first baby of the new year hadn't been born as of Monday morning. Another baby, born to Lori Bounty and Adam Burgess, was vying for the New Year's baby title, but was born about seven hours after Asher.

“They were neck-and-neck with us,” laughed Rebecca.

As the first baby of Powell's new century, Asher joins Ada Jinks in history. Ada Jinks was the first baby born in Powell after its 1909 founding. She was born to Alva Henry Herboldsheimer and Leah Mae (Johnson) Herboldsheimer.

Asher's parents were proud of their new son's honor.

Chaz works at First National Bank and Trust and Rebecca works at Big Horn Enterprises.


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