Powell Tribune photo policy confuses some

Posted 10/28/08

Clarification is in order

Powell Tribune advertising and editorial staff members recently were asked about the paper's policy regarding “check-passing” photos — pictures of a person handing a check, usually a donation, to …

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Powell Tribune photo policy confuses some


Clarification is in orderPowell Tribune advertising and editorial staff members recently were asked about the paper's policy regarding “check-passing” photos — pictures of a person handing a check, usually a donation, to someone else. We want to clarify the policy.With limited space available in each issue of the paper, we strive to use photos that convey the story best. Like most newspapers, we favor photos of events over staged photos.We are lucky to live in a generous community, and we want to let our readers know when individuals and organizations contribute to worthy causes.We simply want to encourage people to think of creative ways to tell about contributions. In most cases, a check-passing photo doesn't tell the whole story. A donation to a community food bank can be better illustrated by showing donors filling the cupboards. Or, if an individual contributes funds to purchase a new TV for the senior center, imagine how a photo of seniors enjoying their new TV could show money well spent. We also welcome typed or e-mailed press releases notifying us of donations and contributions. Please make sure releases contain contact information so we can reach you if we have questions. Press releases of this nature will run in our “Community News” section as soon as space allows.As a community newspaper, we want to cover the good work of the people and businesses in our town. We just ask that people try to work with us to tell their stories in the best way possible.

Clarification is in order

Powell Tribune advertising and editorial staff members recently were asked about the paper's policy regarding “check-passing” photos — pictures of a person handing a check, usually a donation, to someone else.

We want to clarify the policy.

With limited space available in each issue of the paper, we strive to use photos that convey the story best. Like most newspapers, we favor photos of events over staged photos.

We are lucky to live in a generous community, and we want to let our readers know when individuals and organizations contribute to worthy causes.

We simply want to encourage people to think of creative ways to tell about contributions. In most cases, a check-passing photo doesn't tell the whole story. A donation to a community food bank can be better illustrated by showing donors filling the cupboards. Or, if an individual contributes funds to purchase a new TV for the senior center, imagine how a photo of seniors enjoying their new TV could show money well spent.

We also welcome typed or e-mailed press releases notifying us of donations and contributions. Please make sure releases contain contact information so we can reach you if we have questions. Press releases of this nature will run in our “Community News” section as soon as space allows.

As a community newspaper, we want to cover the good work of the people and businesses in our town.

We just ask that people try to work with us to tell their stories in the best way possible.


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