Powell senior center needs a new building

Submitted by Mary Vining
Posted 10/10/23

Dear editor:

If you’re not a senior citizen now, chances are you will be someday! So, let’s all listen up and think about what we need to do as a community, to provide a modern, …

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Powell senior center needs a new building


Dear editor:

If you’re not a senior citizen now, chances are you will be someday! So, let’s all listen up and think about what we need to do as a community, to provide a modern, pleasing and convenient senior center in Powell. Almost all senior centers in the state of Wyoming are owned and operated by the city. Not true here. I was shocked! A corporation — Ago-Go Inc (a 501 (c) 3) cared enough about the need to start the center about 45 years ago. True, some money comes from our city, Park County and state and federal grants, to help offset operating expenses. Obviously, more funding is needed to build the new adequate facility. How sad that the adjoining property to the manor was lost because funding was not available by the deadline. It would appear that grants don’t come easily to private organizations..

Our senior center offers so many perks, but the building, atmosphere, and spaces need to be updated.

Can you believe ... the entrances, restrooms and upstairs meeting rooms are not handicap friendly?

This is crazy! It’s obvious to me that a senior center needs to be on one level — duh. The parking space is far from adequate. It would be so nice to have a lounge area for people to meet, have coffee, knit, do puzzles, play cards, etc. Currently, these things happen around a table sitting in a hard back chair.

Also a big need is an exercise room for classes three times a week. (We push back the chairs and tables in the dining area and make do)

These are all my observations. I’m just hoping we can “get the ball rolling” and show some love to our seniors.

Mary Vining



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