Opening weekend for East Entrance

Posted 5/7/09


A long line of vehicles waits at the East Entrance to Yellowstone National Park over the weekend. The East Entrance opened its gates to vehicle traffic on Friday, allowing visitors the opportunity to …

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Opening weekend for East Entrance


{gallery}05_05_09/eastentrance{/gallery} A long line of vehicles waits at the East Entrance to Yellowstone National Park over the weekend. The East Entrance opened its gates to vehicle traffic on Friday, allowing visitors the opportunity to traverse a limited number of interior park roads. Between Friday and Sunday, around 620 vehicles passed through the gate, according to a rough Park Service count. Many of the park's remaining roadways will be cleared and open for vehicle traffic this Friday. Tribune photo by Randal Horobik

A long line of vehicles waits at the East Entrance to Yellowstone National Park over the weekend. The East Entrance opened its gates to vehicle traffic on Friday, allowing visitors the opportunity to traverse a limited number of interior park roads. Between Friday and Sunday, around 620 vehicles passed through the gate, according to a rough Park Service count. Many of the park's remaining roadways will be cleared and open for vehicle traffic this Friday. Tribune photo by Randal Horobik


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