Moose on the loose

Posted 10/26/10

When the moose camped out in a field just east of Hastings Horseshoe in the afternoon, the curious sight drew a fair number of onlookers. The animal ultimately took off running south, across rural subdivisions and toward the Shoshone River.

Moose …

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Moose on the loose


Wandering animal stops by Powell

Likely searching for a potential Mrs. Moose, a young bull came calling on Powell this weekend.

Throughout Sunday, the young bull was spotted moseying around east Powell — in Homesteader Park and near Hastings Horseshoe.


When the moose camped out in a field just east of Hastings Horseshoe in the afternoon, the curious sight drew a fair number of onlookers. The animal ultimately took off running south, across rural subdivisions and toward the Shoshone River.

Moose often follow rivers, relying on the riparian vegetation, said Dennie Hammer, a Wyoming Game and Fish spokesman in Cody. He speculated the moose had ventured up to Powell from the Shoshone.

“This time of the year it's really not unusual for a moose to wander,” said Hammer — though he added one being so close to town was not common.

A number of years ago, he recalled a moose being spotted on Polecat Bench.

Though a Game and Fish wildlife technician went looking for Sunday's animal, Hammer said the department wouldn't have taken any action unless the moose had gotten into trouble.

He said moose are beginning their rut and bulls wander in search of cows — leading them to show up in places where folks wouldn't expect to see them.

Hammer agreed with a reporter that the young bull was unlikely to find a mate in the Powell area.


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