Mixed emotions

Posted 12/3/09


Four-year-old Sam Johnston reaches out to touch a bubble blown to distract his sister, Alexa (1 1/2), and help her smile despite her fear of the man in the red and white suit on Friday. Most children were excited …

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Mixed emotions


{gallery}12_01_09/santa{/gallery}Four-year-old Sam Johnston reaches out to touch a bubble blown to distract his sister, Alexa (1 1/2), and help her smile despite her fear of the man in the red and white suit on Friday. Most children were excited to see Santa when he arrived at Plaza Diane and led a happy throng to The Commons, where they lined up to have their pictures taken with him. Tribune photo by Ilene Olson

Four-year-old Sam Johnston reaches out to touch a bubble blown to distract his sister, Alexa (1 1/2), and help her smile despite her fear of the man in the red and white suit on Friday. Most children were excited to see Santa when he arrived at Plaza Diane and led a happy throng to The Commons, where they lined up to have their pictures taken with him. Tribune photo by Ilene Olson


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