Lois (Mayme) Chilson


(June 22, 2006)

Long-time Greybull resident, Lois Mayme Else Chilson, 78, died Thursday, June 22 at her Greybull home.

Cremation has taken place.

A gathering of family and friends to celebrate her life was held Sunday, June 25 at the BPOE Elks Lodge in Greybull.

She was born April 6, 1928 in Devil’s Lake, N.D., to Arthur James and Florence Ellen Else. She was educated in Leeds, N.D.

On Sept. 15, 1949, she married John Raymond Chilson at her parents’ farm house. In 1952, they moved to Greybull.

Mayme worked with her husband, John, for many years at John’s Auto Service. She taught adult Sunday School at the Presbyterian Church in Greybull. During the 1950’s into 1960, she was a member of the BPOE Does Drove # 30. During the 1970’s she and her husband rode with the Canyon Cavaliers, an equestrian drill team.

Survivors include her son, Oliver Chilson and wife Ewa of Laramie; her daughter, Sherry Schaefer and husband Wayne of Renton, Wash.; two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.


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