Legislators represent silent majority

Submitted by  Mike Tooke
Posted 1/16/25

Dear editor:

This letter is in response to Ms. Larsen’s comments and opinions concerning Rep. Hoeft.

Past experience has taught me that attempting to itemize and rationally reason …

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Legislators represent silent majority


Dear editor:

This letter is in response to Ms. Larsen’s comments and opinions concerning Rep. Hoeft.

Past experience has taught me that attempting to itemize and rationally reason with others sharing Ms. Larsen’s individual woke viewpoints that she expressed (no gangs in Colorado, no states issuing driver’s license to illegal aliens, no dogs being stolen in Ohio, etc.) is a waste of my time and newspaper space. To paraphrase a sentiment expressed in scripture, “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

The comment about DEI being at the University of Wyoming to be treated no different from anyone else is yet another example. If the university will not stop men pretending to be the opposite sex and forcing the world to accept males in female sports and living in female sororities then somebody has to step in and stop the madness. Rep. Hoeft now has the responsibility — not the option, or the prerogative, or the choice — but the responsibility as the duly elected representative of the people to ensure the safety of his constituents by voting to withhold state (TAXPAYERS) funds that support such nonsense.

I do not have the capacity nor the patience to attempt to clarify things to a person whose ideological leanings, although not stated, typically include “science and facts” that men can get pregnant, the “government” (read TAXPAYERS) should provide tampons in boys bathrooms, and provide sex change operations for military personnel. 

California did not get to be a third world ghetto overnight. It was years and years of Democratic-controlled nudging California taxpayers and their taxpayers’ dollars down the drain of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

DEI is simply intentional sabotage and corruption disguised as incompetence. 

Wyoming is on the edge of that same slippery slope and runs the very real risk of following the blue states into bankruptcy and third-world living conditions. Our previous policies and leadership brought us to this point — and must be corrected before any more demands are made for our state government (read TAXPAYERS) to provide more and more services for “free” as a “right.”

The new national administration and state Legislature may not be able to salvage all the destruction left in the wake of these previous damaging policies. But many citizens — an overwhelming majority — have risen up to accept the challenge of righting the ship and stopping the insanity. To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, it is going to take all of us, and we must all hang together — or most assuredly, we shall hang separately. It is time to enforce “NO means NO”.

I mean no disrespect nor insult to Ms. Larsen. She is entitled to her opinion, as I am mine. I, like many people, am simply done having my silence being interpreted as consent for these past destructive policies and practices. The silent majority is no longer content with remaining quiet.  And we will be heard.

 Mike Tooke



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Well said, Mike Tooke! I agree with each and every part of your comment!! Going a step further, Phyllis Roseberry’s comments criticizing Paul Hoeft totally align with WOKE philosophy. She’s Chairman of Wyoming Rising and their agenda is full of deceit and very disputable views regarding the environment, energy, and our state.

Saturday, February 1