It all starts here

Posted 8/18/09

Fall practices begin at Powell High School

There were several new faces, more than a few sleepy faces and the telltale hint of an autumn crispness to the air on Monday morning as Powell High School officially opened practice for all fall …

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It all starts here


Fall practices begin at Powell High School There were several new faces, more than a few sleepy faces and the telltale hint of an autumn crispness to the air on Monday morning as Powell High School officially opened practice for all fall sports. Approximately 60 players trotted onto the new practice field at Powell High School to take part in the first fall drills. Students practiced in gym clothes, working on conditioning and some basics in the morning air for head coach Jim Stringer and the members of the Panthers' coaching staff. The football practice field wasn't the only sign of activity around Powell High School on Monday, however. Gathered nearby on the high school tennis courts, a crowd of more than 20 racquet-wielding students were drilling forehand and backhand technique for head coach Ray Bieber well before 8 a.m.Across the street from the high school, members of the Powell High School cross country team gathered for their first practice. The Panther girls cross country program will be one of two teams defending state titles this fall at Powell High School. Inside the high school gym, Powell's other defending state title holder, the Panther volleyball team, spent the early minutes of its 2009 season working on a variety of passing and setting drills under the watchful eyes of the coaching staff. First practices for cheerleading, girls' swimming and golf were also slated for Monday. Official participation numbers for all sports were unavailable on Monday. Numbers often fluctuate for the first few practices as students obtain physicals and juggle late-summer work schedules to accommodate the new school routine. The first competition in most sports is scheduled for Aug. 28-29. The Panthers' golf team will start its year on Aug. 20 at Riverton. Powell's cross country team will begin its action one week later with a Sept. 4 appearance at Billings. Junior varsity and freshman football each play their first games the first full week of September.

Fall practices begin at Powell High School

There were several new faces, more than a few sleepy faces and the telltale hint of an autumn crispness to the air on Monday morning as Powell High School officially opened practice for all fall sports.

Approximately 60 players trotted onto the new practice field at Powell High School to take part in the first fall drills.

Students practiced in gym clothes, working on conditioning and some basics in the morning air for head coach Jim Stringer and the members of the Panthers' coaching staff.

The football practice field wasn't the only sign of activity around Powell High School on Monday, however.

Gathered nearby on the high school tennis courts, a crowd of more than 20 racquet-wielding students were drilling forehand and backhand technique for head coach Ray Bieber well before 8 a.m.

Across the street from the high school, members of the Powell High School cross country team gathered for their first practice. The Panther girls cross country program will be one of two teams defending state titles this fall at Powell High School.

Inside the high school gym, Powell's other defending state title holder, the Panther volleyball team, spent the early minutes of its 2009 season working on a variety of passing and setting drills under the watchful eyes of the coaching staff. First practices for cheerleading, girls' swimming and golf were also slated for Monday.

Official participation numbers for all sports were unavailable on Monday. Numbers often fluctuate for the first few practices as students obtain physicals and juggle late-summer work schedules to accommodate the new school routine.

The first competition in most sports is scheduled for Aug. 28-29. The Panthers' golf team will start its year on Aug. 20 at Riverton. Powell's cross country team will begin its action one week later with a Sept. 4 appearance at Billings. Junior varsity and freshman football each play their first games the first full week of September.


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