Injuries continue to impact Northwest College wrestling

Posted 11/25/11

“I thought it was a pretty tough week for us,” said Trapper head coach Jim Zeigler. “So many guys are banged up for us right now. We had to take two forfeits against Western, and if you look at the final score, that’s what the final margin …

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Injuries continue to impact Northwest College wrestling


Robins fifth at UNC Open

The Northwest College Trappers continue to fight their way through an injury-plagued start to the 2011-12 season. The team dropped a 27-15 dual at Western Wyoming last week and also participated in the University of Northern Colorado Old Chicago tournament.

“I thought it was a pretty tough week for us,” said Trapper head coach Jim Zeigler. “So many guys are banged up for us right now. We had to take two forfeits against Western, and if you look at the final score, that’s what the final margin was in that dual.”

The Trappers were forced to leave the 125 and 149 slots in their roster open in Rock Springs. Several other slots were filled by wrestlers initially slated to be wrestling elsewhere in the lineup or behind returning starters when the year began.

Sean Sullivan picked up a win by fall at the 285-pound slot for the Trappers. Justin Gardner (133), Jaksen Cotterell (165) and Miles Nixon (184) each scored wins by decision to account for the Trappers’ scoring.

Northwest almost earned some more points. Colton Thornton (141) appeared on his way to a victory, but erred and was caught by a pin, resulting in a nine-point swing in the overall dual score. Cormick Eaton (157) ultimately lost a match by two points in which Zeigler noted the freshman gave away three points.

“He got penalized once for stalling, once for a full nelson and then he wasn’t paying attention to the clock and let a kid off the mat when he had 59 seconds of riding time,” Zeigler said. “Just little errors that we can correct.”

Wrestlers in college wrestling receive a point at the end of regulation if they have amassed 60 or more seconds of riding time — match time in which they have their opponent down on the mat at a disadvantage.

The loss marked only the fourth time in 39 duals against Western Wyoming during Zeigler’s coaching tenure that the Trappers have not come away victorious.

At the UNC open, Bobby Robins turned in the best day as he wrestled unaffiliated. Robins won three of his five matches to place fifth overall at 149 pounds. Eaton also finished 3-2 at that weight class, but lost one match short of the final six.

The 149-pound division was ultimately won by Powell High School grad Trevor Donarski.

Ben Price (197), Justin Gardner (133), Casey Scheidt (133), Jaksen Cotterell (165), Miles Nixon (184) and Sean Sullivan (285) each finished with 2-2 overall records for the Trappers.

The weekend was not without an appearance by the injury but, however. Thornton was wrestling in his second match at 141 pounds at the UNC tournament when he suffered a sprained ankle and had to default the match and be withdrawn from the remainder of the competition.

“We may have to look at the schedule next year and reduce the number of events we put before the break,” Zeigler said. “We’re just so beat up right now. It’s pretty tough.”

The Trappers are off this weekend as the team takes some time to rest and recuperate from its first month of competition.


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