If you can’t meet once a month, let someone else serve GOP committee

Submitted by Carol Armstrong
Posted 9/19/23

Dear editor:

In response to your article about the Park County GOP ousting party members, I have served for many years as a precinct person for 24-1 and I am honored to serve. I am 90 years …

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If you can’t meet once a month, let someone else serve GOP committee


Dear editor:

In response to your article about the Park County GOP ousting party members, I have served for many years as a precinct person for 24-1 and I am honored to serve. I am 90 years young at the end of October. I have attended every meeting for years and am glad to do so. There are quite a few elected who have never attended even one meeting, they occupy their precinct position and prevent someone else from serving. These who are whining “unfair” about being removed according to our bylaws, have only themselves to blame.

Rules are rules, and we can all read the bylaws. All that is necessary is to give their proxy, email the chairman or make a phone call. It is their responsibility to those who voted them into these positions to represent their constituents. This is not kindergarten. As for the agenda, it follows the same format as the state GOP follows. We are adults, we have responsibilities, either attend or get out of the way and let someone else serve your precinct. We are elected to serve, not cry in our beer. Grow up and for those who advocate that meeting once a month is just too much, get real, have you been reading the news lately?” Quarterly is just not enough, we have party work to do. The GOP is not a social club, this is serious stuff folks.

Carol Armstrong

Precinct 24-1, Cody


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