Hoops for Hope week a success

Posted 2/1/11

PHS Activities Director Tim Wormald said Monday that he did not have final figures for the campaign because expenses were not determined yet, but the campaign grossed approximately $13,000.

Wormald said student sales of bracelets during the week …

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Hoops for Hope week a success


Powell High School will make a big contribution to Women’s Wellness following a successful week of fundraising ending with the Hoops for Hope basketball game Friday night.

PHS Activities Director Tim Wormald said Monday that he did not have final figures for the campaign because expenses were not determined yet, but the campaign grossed approximately $13,000.

Wormald said student sales of bracelets during the week accounted for about $3,100, and T-shirt sales contributed about $2,600. An auction between Friday night’s games brought more than $1,800 and $1,100 was contributed when buckets were passed through the crowd.

Other proceeds came from concessions sold during the games and drawings sponsored by the Powell Athletic Roundtable.

The money raised will go to Women’s Wellness in Powell and its program to provide information and assistance to women dealing with breast cancer.


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