Hello, little girl

Posted 5/18/10


The big bad wolf attempts to draw Little Red Riding Hood from the path during the first act of “Into the Woods” at the Powell High School Auditorium last week. Northwest College student Mitch …

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Hello, little girl


{gallery}05_13_10/intothewoods{/gallery}The big bad wolf attempts to draw Little Red Riding Hood from the path during the first act of “Into the Woods” at the Powell High School Auditorium last week. Northwest College student Mitch Sleep (left) and PHS senior Kourtnie Rodgers joined other NWC and PHS students, along with community members, to present three performances of the Stephen Sondheim musical. PHS drama teacher Bob Hunt and NWC music professor Jan Kliewer directed the production. Tribune photo by Carla Wensky

The big bad wolf attempts to draw Little Red Riding Hood from the path during the first act of “Into the Woods” at the Powell High School Auditorium last week. Northwest College student Mitch Sleep (left) and PHS senior Kourtnie Rodgers joined other NWC and PHS students, along with community members, to present three performances of the Stephen Sondheim musical. PHS drama teacher Bob Hunt and NWC music professor Jan Kliewer directed the production. Tribune photo by Carla Wensky


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