Helene C. Olson

Posted 1/22/06

(May 30, 1915 - Jan. 20, 2006)

Services for Helene C. Olson, 90, will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 20 at

the First Presbyterian Church in Torrington. Mrs. Olson died Saaturday, Jan. 14

at the Goshen Care Center there. She was born May …

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Helene C. Olson


(May 30, 1915 - Jan. 20, 2006) Services for Helene C. Olson, 90, will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 20 at the First Presbyterian Church in Torrington. Mrs. Olson died Saaturday, Jan. 14 at the Goshen Care Center there. She was born May 30, 1915, to Joseph and Ida M. Nelson near Newman Grove, Nebr., where she received her education. She married Walter C. Olson on Dec. 11, 1936 in Scottsbluff, and the couple farmed near Veteran for 35 years. She moved to Torrington following her husband's death in 1971. She was a member of South Goshen Presbyterian Church and was active in the American Legion Auxiliary and many veteran community organizations. She also served on the Goshen County Library Board. Survivors include her children, Karen (Don) Amend of Powell, Christine (Bruno) Jappert of Grants Pass, Ore., Adele (Stan) Smith of Yoder and Keith (LaDonna) Olson of New Salem, N. D.; nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren; one brother and one sister. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; a granddaughter, Janell Derr; six brothers and two sisters. Memorials will be accepted for the Goshen County Library, the Goshen Care Center and the Janell Derr Memorial Scholarship. Colyer Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

(May 30, 1915 - Jan. 20, 2006)

Services for Helene C. Olson, 90, will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 20 at

the First Presbyterian Church in Torrington. Mrs. Olson died Saaturday, Jan. 14

at the Goshen Care Center there. She was born May 30, 1915, to Joseph and Ida M. Nelson near Newman Grove, Nebr., where she received her education.

She married Walter C. Olson on Dec. 11, 1936 in Scottsbluff, and the couple farmed near Veteran for 35 years.

She moved to Torrington following her husband's death in 1971. She was a member of South Goshen Presbyterian Church and was active in the American Legion Auxiliary and many veteran community organizations. She also served on the Goshen County Library Board.

Survivors include her children, Karen (Don) Amend of Powell, Christine (Bruno) Jappert of Grants Pass, Ore., Adele (Stan) Smith of Yoder and Keith (LaDonna) Olson of New Salem, N. D.; nine grandchildren and eight

great-grandchildren; one brother and one sister. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; a granddaughter, Janell Derr; six brothers and two sisters. Memorials will be accepted for the Goshen County Library, the Goshen Care Center and the Janell Derr Memorial Scholarship. Colyer Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.


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