Hageman has not succumbed to climate change hysteria

Submitted by Susan Hoffert
Posted 10/12/23

Dear editor:

In the Oct. 5 edition of the Tribune, a man named Phil was critical of Harriet Hageman because she has not surrendered to the climate change hysteria. She knows that God …

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Hageman has not succumbed to climate change hysteria


Dear editor:

In the Oct. 5 edition of the Tribune, a man named Phil was critical of Harriet Hageman because she has not surrendered to the climate change hysteria. She knows that God created the world and everything in it as well as the galaxies. He holds it altogether as it says in Colossians 1:17, “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” God is mightier than man, and nothing man can do is going to destroy God’s earth. Like Rep. Hageman said, “God has given us an abundance of resources” to use. He gave man intelligence and creativity so that we can use those resources, including solar and wind energy.  

Those who have been filling people with fear over the climate changing have ulterior motives. When people live in fear of what might happen, they are willing to give up their freedoms. Under the guise of saving the planet, this administration is working on taking away our choices of what products we can buy and use, such as light bulbs, appliances, anything that runs on gasoline. I imagine there are more that I am not naming. Our sources of reliable energy are being destroyed because of the crazy policies of those in power, and we all will pay the price. Will we give up our freedoms because of fear that something might happen? There are just as many scientists that say the whole thing is nonsense as there are those who are saying we are heading for a climate disaster.

Climate changes and has always done so. Our earth started out perfect in all ways. Man sinned, and God changed things. Then there was the flood that destroyed the world as they knew it. Only eight people survived because God had them build the ark to ride out the storm. At some point, there was an ice age. Then the climate began to change again. There are different climates on the earth today. The climate here, has been changing slowly. I can remember winters that were way colder and had more snow than we have now. None of those changes had anything to do with the activities of man. We are but specks in this world. Our activities may change the surface of the earth somewhat, but we cannot change the climate. To believe otherwise is to believe a lie, a lie meant to bring people under the control of those who desire power.

I am thankful that Hageman is not duped into believing the hysteria, and is doing everything in her power to fight for us against those who would control our lives in every way.

Susan Hoffert



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