Fired NWC activities director files appeal

Posted 1/14/10

The NWC Board of Trustees on Monday approved hiring attorney Chris Edwards of Cody to represent the board in the matter. Due to a conflict of interest, the college's attorney cannot represent the board, said Board President Jim Vogt.

A hearing …

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Fired NWC activities director files appeal


Lack of information fuels frustration and speculation among college communityMike Taylor, former activities director at Northwest College, was fired from his position on Dec. 15. Since then, speculation on campus about the reason and justification for his firing has grown, while both Taylor and NWC administrators say they are unable to comment. “We're still mid-process on this, and there's been an appeal,” said Mark Kitchen, NWC vice president for public relations.

The NWC Board of Trustees on Monday approved hiring attorney Chris Edwards of Cody to represent the board in the matter. Due to a conflict of interest, the college's attorney cannot represent the board, said Board President Jim Vogt.

A hearing for the appeal has not been scheduled yet, said NWC President Paul Prestwich.

“I just can't comment on it right now, just as a matter of course, since it's a personnel matter,” Prestwich said. “Our policies give faculty and staff various rights, and we do everything we can to follow those.”

Taylor's supervisor, Vice President for Student Services Dana Young, also declined to comment.

“Because of my respect for Mike, it's difficult to say anything before the hearing,” she said. “I don't want to compromise the hearing in any way.”

Meanwhile, Taylor said his attorney has advised him not to say anything either.

That information vacuum has led to considerable speculation on campus, voiced most noticeably through an Internet blog, “Everyday Dissidence,” written by Morgan Tyree, assistant professor of graphic arts and printing at the college.

Numerous people have commented on the blog as well, most to voice agreement and their own concerns, though a few are critical of Tyree.

“My voice is that of a lot of people,” Tyree said Tuesday. “I'm no authority; I'm just basically putting out there what a lot of people are saying.

“I don't know why Mike was fired,” he said. “I've talked a lot to Mike over the years, and the one thing I know is ... he's had a target painted on him for three years. His superiors were out to get him. It sounds to me that if he didn't cross his Ts, and didn't dot his I's, that's what they got on him.”

Prestwich disagreed, but said he couldn't elaborate.

Tyree said Taylor is popular among the students and the faculty.

“Here's a guy who's been here 17 years, was voted outstanding adjunct faculty last year, and less than one year later, he's terminated. Somebody like that, with that high a profile, you can't tell me you can't talk about it. You better have some kind of legs to stand on ... That's my problem. I don't see any legs.

“There's a lot of mistrust around here, and they don't want to be transparent. They want us to trust their authority,” Tyree said. “Maybe something catastrophic has happened ... But I really question that.”

Tyree said a comment by Scott Feyl on his blog “pretty much summed it up.”

“When they don't air things because of a legal basis, a lot of people are being left out of the loop and it's natural for us to bring up our own conclusions,” Tyree said.

Tyree pointed out in the blog that Taylor was fired the day after the board approved soccer programs Northwest College.

Prestwich said that was a coincidence.

“It's not commingled with anything else,” he said.

Prestwich said the decision to fire Taylor was not made easily or without reason.
