Dear editor:
I am writing in response to the screed by Ogden Driskill and Albert Sommers in the Sept. 26 Powell Tribune. Don’t be fooled by their play to change the narrative surrounding …
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Dear editor:
I am writing in response to the screed by Ogden Driskill and Albert Sommers in the Sept. 26 Powell Tribune. Don’t be fooled by their play to change the narrative surrounding their name. They want to be called “traditional” to get you thinking about old customs and old-fashioned ways, to get you thinking that they are the roots of Wyoming. If that’s the case, they have a LOT of explaining to do. You see, the party platform of the Republican Party is 1) that our Creator, not government, has given us the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness as our founders stated in the Declaration and Constitution and that government’s job is to secure those rights for us all from conception to natural death; 2) that the laws apply to each legal citizen equally; 3 and 4) that we support the Second Amendment and the right to private property with all that entails; 5) that we support the First Amendment; 6 and 7) that the choice of how to educate children is up to the family and that marriage is between one man and one woman; 8) that we support free and fair trade and eliminating government regulations that hinder the growth of businesses and jobs; 9 and 10) that legal citizens of the U.S. are the ultimate authority and that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, which enumerates the separate powers of our government, in both the federal and state spheres; 11) that the U.S. has national sovereignty and that we treat our allies well, that our foreign dealings must serve the just interests of the U.S.; and 12) that we, again, as in No. 1, affirm the inalienable right and sanctify of human life from conception to natural death. Now, I ask you, what can be more “traditional” than any of those things? Those are the things that have always been the views of the people of Wyoming, and I know because I am a Wyoming native.
If Sen. Driskill is “traditional,” why does he only vote for those things 13% of the time? If Rep. Sommers is “traditional,” why does he only vote for those things 10% of the time? And yet, they diss the Freedom Caucus, those who do support those very things. We have some of the Freedom Caucus here in Park County: Sen. Dan Laursen, he votes the party platform 90% of the time; Sen. Tim French votes it 100% of the time; Rep. Dalton Banks votes it 100% of the time; Rep. Rachel-Rodriguez Williams votes it 90% of the time; and Rep. John Winter votes it 100% of the time. Sadly, we have other representatives who must fit into the “traditional” bunch: Sen. Ed Cooper is at 30%, Rep. Sandy Newsome is at 25% and Rep. David Northrup is at a measly 20%. (
The “traditional” members of the Republican party are NOT voting the party platform. The platform contains the rules by which we play the game, just as a football team has rules that they play by. Apparently, those who are “traditional” are playing on the wrong team. They need to go play basketball with the Democrats because that is who they vote with, according to Park County’s “traditional” Republicans, 70% - 80% of the time. Beware of the Orwellian speak that’s going on. When you hear “traditional,” think RINO, Republican in Name Only, because they play for the other team. When you hear “Freedom Caucus,” think Real Republicans/True Conservatives who actually follow the party platform and play the game you elected them to play.
Dona Becker