County minutes July 11, 2022


Park County Board of County Commissioners
Special Meeting
Monday, July 11, 2022
Chairwoman Dossie Overfield called to order a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Monday, July 11, 2022, at 6 p.m. Present were Vice Chairman Scott Mangold, Commissioners Lee Livingston, Lloyd Thiel and Joe Tilden, Clerk Colleen Renner and 1st Deputy Hans Odde.
Loren Grosskopf led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2022-23 County Budget
Clerk Renner highlighted the budget message and noted the full document can be found at
Chairwoman Overfield called for public comments.
Mr. Dale Jensvold had several questions regarding a 74% increase in the elections budget; Chairwoman Overfield stated this is an election year. As for an increase related to the land use plan, Chairwoman Overfield stated it is to move forward with rules once the new plan is in place. As for the Congressional tour, Commissioner Thiel stated it’s a new program being introduced to Wyoming and the Big Horn Basin will host the first tour. Mr. Jensvold also questioned the $2 million taken out of reserves. Chairwoman Overfield stated the PILT dollars are placed in reserves and then brought back into the upcoming budget as we receive the payment in June. Mr. Jensvold also referenced a large cash carryover which Chairwoman Overfield stated that was from several departments ordering vehicles and equipment that have not yet arrived. Mr. Jensvold then gave a history of his road and his requests in past years to have the road updated. He asked if the project could be completed with extra surplus funds.
Bob Ferguson spoke next with regards to the budgeting processes and the large increase and questioned how we fund new equipment. Sheriff Scott Steward answered the question regarding vehicles and their unavailability, which resulted in the large cash carry-over. Chairwoman Overfield stated that the property tax mills are set by statute; the county receives 12 mills, which makes up about 40% of its budget.
Vincent Vanata said that elected officials belonging to associations that lobby for and against legislation should pay those dues out of their own pocket. Taxpayers shouldn’t pay for this.
Former Commissioner Loren Groskopf said this is the highest carryover he’s ever seen. Next year will be an adventure and may be difficult when that large of a carry forward will be gone.
Commissioner Mangold stated that the inflationary issues are going to bite the county in the upcoming years.
Tim Lasseter touched on the association issue comment regarding the dues. Mr. Lasseter also questioned Commissioner Livingston testifying against a tax cap. Commissioner Livingston stated that when the whole bill was read, there were issues with it.
Matt Scott talked about the overall mill levy and how much goes to other entities.
Chairwoman Overfield stated one other large expense coming is a new HVAC system for the Courthouse and the Public Works building with an estimate of $4.6 million to complete.
Chairwoman called for further public comment. There being none, Commissioner Mangold moved to close the public hearing, Commissioner Tilden seconded, motion carried.
Commissioner Livingston moved to adjourn, Commissioner Tilden seconded, and the motion carried.
Dossie Overfield, Chairwoman
Scott Mangold, Vice Chairman
Lee Livingston, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Joe Tilden, Commissioner
Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ., Tues., July 26, 2022
