City Council Proceedings
February 20, 2024
The governing body of the City of Powell met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on February 20, 2024, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor John Wetzel called the meeting to order, and the following were present: Council Members Tim Sapp, Floyd Young, Steven Lensegrav, Zane Logan and Lesli Spencer. Absent Councilman Geoff Hovivian. City Officials: City Administrator Zack Thorington, City Clerk Tiffany Brando and City Attorney Alexa Rollins. Approval of Agenda: City Administrator Thorington requested addition under administrative Commons Rental. Councilman Logan moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Approval of February 5, 2024 Minutes: Councilman Young moved to approve as presented, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Bills and Claims: Mayor Wetzel abstained #40 and Councilman Sapp #48. Councilwoman Spencer made a motion the bills be allowed and authorize the Treasurer to draw warrants for payment of the same, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Committee Updates: Councilman Logan WAMPA, Councilman Lensegrav Rec Board and Councilwoman Spencer Golf Board.
Variance Board: Mayor Wetzel requests re-appointment of John Campbell, Jeff Sheridan and Myron Heny. Councilman Sapp moved to approve appointments, seconded by Councilman Logan, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance No. 1, 2024: Attorney Rollins read by title only - An Ordinance Amending Section 1.12.010 of the Powell City Code Pertaining to Wards. Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve on second reading, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Shoopman 4 Subdivision: Attorney Rollins informed Council this has been approved by Planning & Zoning. Councilman Young moved to approve the Shoopman 4 Subdivision Final Plat, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Commons Rental: City Clerk Brando informed the Council of events over the weekend and due to the state of the commons after a Feb. 16th event asked to refund the facility fees along with the deposit to the renter on Feb. 17th. Mayor Wetzel asked that the fee be charged with damages to the previous renter. Councilman Logan moved to approve the refund of the facility fee for Feb. 17th renter of the Commons, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. General Announcements: Administrator Thorington gave an update on the splash pad design and timeline.
Adjourn: There being no further business to be considered at this meeting, Councilwoman Spencer moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Wetzel adjourned the regular meeting at 6:26 p.m.
/s/ John F. Wetzel, Mayor
/s/ Tiffany Brando, City Clerk
1 Aldrich’s Parks 63.18 Paint, 2x2 White Wood
2 Alsco Aquatics 95.69 Mat Cleaning
3 Applied Concepts Inc Police 111.50 Cables & Mounts
4 Ascent Aviation Group, Inc Airport 30.00 Communication Fees
5 Bailey Enterprises Inc Various 9,904.75 Fuel Purchases
6 Big Horn Redi Mix Water 808.00 Slurry
7 Blair’s Market Police 54.43 Lysol Wipes, Kleenex, Notebook
8 BNSF Railway Company Waste Water 150.00 10 Year Pipeline Lease
9 Border States Electric Supply Electric 134.60 Tool Buckets
10 CardConnect Aquatics 330.82 Credit Card Processing Fees
11 Carquest Airport, Shop 281.73 Radiator, Clips, Zip Ties, Jack Stands 12 CNA Surety Administration 250.00 Treasurer Bond
13 Coffman Associates, Inc. Airport 10,003.00 Professional Services Master Plan
14 Copenhaver, Kitchen & Kolpitcke, LLC Administration 4,000.00 Attorney Fees
15 Cross Petroleum Service Shop 755.87 Oil
16 Crum Electric Supply Aqua, Elec 331.29 Connectors, Locknuts
17 Cummins Sales and Service Shop 748.80 Insite Subscription
18 DrivePayments Water 131.93 Credit Card Processing Fees
19 Energy Laboratories, Inc Waste Water 2,520.00 Waste Water Testing
20 Engineering Design Associates Administration 7,967.50 HVAC Engineering Fees
21 Fastenal Aqua,Elec,Parks 751.84 Plastic Anchor Kit, Hardware, Field
Paint, Nuts, Bolts
22 Fremont Motor Powell Police 125.84 Lever Gear
23 Garland Light & Power Airport, Water 3,815.24 Electric Bills
24 General Distributing Company Aquatics 2,699.34 CO2 & Tank Rental Fees
25 Graybar Electric Company Various 2,543.19 Beacon Bulbs, Heater, Heater Motor,
Light Bulbs
26 Hanson Chemical LLC Shop, Sani 1,178.22 Rags, Toilet Paper, Degreaser, Towels 27 John Deere Financial Airport, Parks 82.51 Pins, Grinder Discs, Quick Link
28 Leisure In Montana Aquatics 5,497.06 Pulsar Parts & Briquettes
29 McIntosh Oil Airport 485.00 Plow Fuel
30 Metzler, Andy Streets 120.00 City Share Work Boots
31 Montana Dakota Utilities Co Various 12,350.51 Monthly Gas Bills
32 Mountain West Computer Various 1,044.73 Desktop Computer, Post Its, Binder,
Paper, Tape, Monitor, Pens
33 Newman Signs Streets 3,132.37 Street Name Signs
34 O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. Various 4,257.57 Brake Cleaner, Oil, Air & Oil Filters,
Engine Paint, Spark Plugs, Etc.
35 Office Shop, The Police 60.52 Copy Machine Fees
36 One-Call of Wyoming Elec, Water 39.25 Jan Dig Ticket Fees
37 Park County Landfills Sanitation 23,693.40 Solid Waste Tipping Fees
38 Point Architects, LLC Shop 9,610.00 City Shop Design Fees
39 Powell Ace Hardware, LLC Various 338.92 Brush, Paint, Screwdriver, Batteries,
Gloves, Pipe Cutter, Bolts, Etc.
40 Powell Tribune Various 2,364.69 Advertising & Publishing Fees
41 Powell Valley Healthcare Police 50.00 Blood Draw Fees
42 Powell Valley Recycling Task Force Sanitation 6,240.83 January Recycling Fees Collected
43 Powell Welding & Industrial Supply, LLC Elec,Water,Sani 1,428.60 Safety Glasses, Wrench, Battery
Charger, Work Light
44 Production Machine Company Sanitation 400.00 Repair Hydraulic Cylinder
45 Quality Propane Service, Inc. Streets 17.00 Propane Tank Fill
46 Rimrock Tire Corp Sanitation 153.00 Tire Rotations
47 Saber Pest Control, LLC. Aquatics 100.00 January Pest Control
48 Sapp, Tim Council 17.42 Mileage SMP Meeting
49 Shoshone Municipal Pipeline Water 68,519.98 Monthly water Usage & Tap Fees
50 State of Wyoming Dept of Revenue Various 17,827.81 January Sales Tax Collected
51 Valli Information Systems, Inc. Finance 1,689.63 UB Postage & Processing Fees
52 Visa Various 8,812.63 Misc. Purchases for Various Depts
53 White Ink Finance 14.18 Package Postage Fees
54 WLEA-ADVTrng Police 500.00 RDS Instructor Course Alquist &
55 WPCI Various 91.28 Drug Testing Fees
56 Wyoming Assoc of Municipalities Council 265.00 WAM Registration Wetzel
57 Wyoming Municipal Power Agency Electric 406,075.00 January Electric Charges
Publ., Thurs., Feb. 29, 2024