City minutes May 4, 2020


City minutes
City Council Proceedings
May 4, 2020
The governing body of the City of Powell met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on May 4, 2020 in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Wetzel called the meeting to order and the following were present: Mayor John Wetzel, Council Members Tim Sapp, Scott Mangold, Floyd Young, Lesli Spencer and Steven Lensegrav. City Officials: City Administrator Zack Thorington, City Clerk Tiffany Brando, City Attorney Sandee Kitchen, Deputy Attorney Scott Kath, Sanitation Supt. Darrell Rood and Chief of Police Roy Eckerdt. Approval of Agenda: Request to add Resolution No. 6, 2020 Waiver of Open Container. Councilman Young moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Approval of April 20, 2020 minutes: Councilman Hillberry moved to approve minutes of April 20, 2020 and as presented, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Bills and Claims: Mayor Wetzel abstained #53. Councilman Lensegrav made a motion the bills be allowed and authorize the Treasurer to draw warrants for payment of the same, seconded by Councilman Hillberry, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Recognize Anna Paris 30 years of service Powell Police Department, presented by Chief Eckerdt.
Resolution No. 6, 2020: A Resolution for Exceptions to Open Container read in full by Mayor Wetzel in response to COVID-19 restrictions for restaurants. Attorney Kitchen requested removing “not” from “carried outside” in the large paragraph. Chief Eckerdt discussed enforcement of the waiver and through May 18th. Councilman Mangold moved to approve as amended, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Committee updates Councilman Young Recycle Board and YCAN. Proclamation: 51st Municipal Clerks Week May 3-9, 2020 – Councilman Lensegrav moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOITON CARRIED. Ordinance No. 2, 2020: Read by title Attorney Kath; An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Known as the Shoopman No. 3A Annexation. Attorney Kath stated the owner is requesting this be tabled until the first meeting in September. Shane Shoopman addressed the Council on tabling. Attorney Kath reminded council at that meeting final plats and agreements for the annexation and a subdivision will be presented. Councilman Mangold moved to tabled Ordinance No. 2, 2020 until September 8, 2020, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, TABLED.
Wyoming Insect Management Grant Pre-Award for 2020: Administrator Thorington stated this is for matching funds for mosquito abatement. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve and authorize signatures, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Bid Award Municipal Solid Waste Hauling: Administrator Thorington stated one bid received for $681.82 from Warren Transport and is $198 more per trip than current rate. Mayor Wetzel discussed possibility of a rebid and Administrator Thorington stated it seems there is not a lot of interest. Sanitation Supt. Rood addressed the Council recommending approval of the bid and they have worked great with the City on current operations. Councilman Hillberry moved to approve an authorize signatures, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Gluten Free Oats Revenue Recapture Plan: Discussed by Administrator Thorington for funding economic development no projects have come through to replenish economic development funding and recommends updating agreement to allocation Powell Economic Partnership 50%; Revolving Loan Fund 25%; Special Community Projects 25%. Councilman Sapp expressed he would like it to stay the same with the intent for use by small businesses. Administrator Thorington gave the current balances in all 3 funds. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, Aye Mangold, Hillberry, Spencer, Lensegrav, Young; Nay Sapp, MOTION CARRIED.
CARES Act Funds Powell Municipal Airport discussed by Administrator Thorington and is $30,000 to be used for operations through federal funding. Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve and authorize signatures, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. General Announcements: Administrator Thorington thanked everyone for time spent on the budget work session.
There being no further business to be considered at this meeting, Councilman Mangold moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Wetzel adjourned the regular meeting at 6:35 p.m.
/s/ John F. Wetzel
/s/ Tiffany Brando
City Clerk
Publ., Thurs., May 14, 2020

1 AFLAC Dependent Childcare $516.66 Payroll Deductions
2 AFLAC Insurance Premiums $2,194.32 Payroll Deductions
3 AFLAC Unreimbursed Medical $4,360.58 Payroll Deductions
4 Internal Revenue Service $69,439.55 FICA
5 Great West Retirement Service $5,791.44 Deferred Compensation
6 Wyoming Retirement System $49,175.35 Retirement Contribution
7 Health Benefit Plan $100,200.00 Plan Benefit
TOTAL PAID WAGES IN APRIL 2020: $235,686.87
12 2M Company Parks $559.44 Sprinkler Heads & Misc. Parts
13 360 Office Solutions Various $317.39 Copy Machine Fees Aquatics, Copy
Paper, Folders, Coffee & Pens
14 A & I Distributors Shop $574.30 Hydraulic DTE25
15 Aldrich’s Various $975.82 Marking Marble, Paint, Brush & Roller Cover
16 AT&T Mobility Admin $132.16 Monthly Cell Phone IT & Admin
17 Auto Plumber Exhaust Electric $30.00 Ditch Witch Exhaust Repair
18 Blair’s Market Shop $15.99 Hand Sanitizer
19 Bloedorn Lumber Aqtcs,San $455.87 Putty, Adhesive, Paneling, Hose Reel
& Safety Glasses
20 BNSF Railway Company Water $1,512.60 12” Water Line Annual Lease
21 Bradford Supply Company Prks,Watr $521.52 Water Parts, Couplers, Pipe, Glue, Primer
22 Bruco, Inc. Admin, Pol $286.23 Sanitizing Sprayer & Disinfecting Spray
23 Carquest Various $214.38 Hose, Filters, Coolant Sensor & Brake Rotors
24 CED Electric $111.20 Number Books & Wire Markers
25 Charter Communications Police $7.43 Monthly Cable TV Fees
26 City of Powell ~ Utilities Various 20,894.47 Monthly Utility Fees
27 Clifty View Nursery, Inc Parks $1,355.77 Arbor Day Trees
28 Crum Electric Supply Electric $5,071.00 Quazite Boxes
29 Dick Jones Trucking Sanitation $2,330.00 Cardboard Hauling Fees
30 Dirty Deeds Prof. Detailing WstWtr $125.00 Detail Services Unit 30
31 Energy Laboratories, Inc WstWtr $476.00 Waste Water Testing
32 Engineering Associates Strts,WWtr $408.63 Plat review & Sewer Work
33 Everlast Metal LLC Aquatics   $1,440.00 Gutter & Snow Guard
34 Fastenal Sanitation $18.55 Nuts & Bolts
35 Ferguson Enter., Inc. #2697 Water $3,017.86 Meter Loops & Fittings
36 General Distributing Co Aquatics $657.00 Tank Rental & CO2
37 Graybar Electric Company Electric $3,457.48 Wire, Bolt Covers & Heaters
38 Hartford, The Various $1,446.39 Monthly LTD Benefit
39 Heart Mountain Farm Supply Prks,Shp $4,761.56 Cartridges, Oil & New Kubota Engine
40 Identifix Shop $1,428.00 Annual Subscription
41 Intermountain Sweeper Co. Shop $150.40 Hydraulic Filters
42 Jim’s Electric Service Water $2,533.00 Rebuild Pump at Airport
43 John Deere Financial Various $285.56 Misc. Purchases for Various Departments
44 Mountain West Computer Admin,Fin $28.40 Rubber Stamp & Legal Pads
45 Mr. D’s Powell Sanitation $26.17 Disinfecting  Wipes
46 Napa Auto Parts Various $569.54 Misc. Purchases for Various Departments
47 Nighthawk Electric $5,182.84 Elec. ERT Meters (15 Qty), Cellular Base
Fees & Annual Fees
48 Northwest Pipe Fittings Water $2,013.00 Insulating Pads, Meter Pit & Slide Lock Lids
49 Northwest Rural Water District Arprt,WWat $171.90 Monthly Water Fees
50 O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. Prks,Pol $73.48 Antifreeze & Headlight
51 Park County Clerk Police $18.00 Bond Filing Fee T Segura
52 Powell Ace Hardware, LLC Various $380.86 Misc. Purchases for Various Departments
53 Powell Tribune Sanitation $50.00 Annual Subscription
54 Production Machine Company Water $323.61 1” Pipe Curb Stop Riser & Pump Couplers
55 Rimrock Tire Prks,Sani $77.65 Flat Tire Repair, Tire Dismounts & Rotation
56 Rocky Mountain Power WstWtr $11.12 Electric Fees for Rd 6 Pump
57 Sage Civil Engineering Airport   $8,025.00 Final Payment Taxiway Extension
58 Sanders Plumbing & Htng, Inc Aquatics $438.58 Flange Repair
59 TCT Various $1,020.04 Monthly Phone, Fax, Internet & TV
60 Verizon Wireless Various $1,171.21 Monthly Cell Phone Charges
61 Vision West, Inc. Various $877.50 Web Hosting Fees & Website Work
62 Warren Transport Sanitation $6,360.75 Trash Hauling Fees
63 Wyo. Assoc of Rural Water Sys. Water $790.00 Annual Membership & Conference Fees
T McConnell, B Ballard
64 Wyo. Dept of Agriculture Aquatics $100.00 Annual Leisure & Lap Pool License
65 Yellowstone Motors Water $32.06 Key for Unit 94-30
TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIMS FOR:5-May-20 $83,312.71
Publ., Thurs., May 14, 2020


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