City Council Proceedings
March 2, 2020
The governing body of the City of Powell met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on March 2, 2020 in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Wetzel opened the meeting and led those in attendance in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Wetzel called the meeting to order and the following were present: Mayor John Wetzel, Council Members Jim Hillberry, Tim Sapp, Scott Mangold, Floyd Young, Lesli Spencer and Steven Lensegrav. City Officials: City Administrator Zack Thorington, City Clerk Tiffany Brando, City Attorney Sandee Kitchen, Deputy Attorney Scott Kath, Sanitation Supt. Darrell Rood, Sanitation Foreman Alan Griffin, Electric Supt. Steve Franck, Director of Public Works Ben Hubbard and Police Chief Roy Eckerdt.
Approval of Agenda: Councilman Hillberry moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Councilman Mangold, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Approval of February 18, 2020 minutes: Councilman Young moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Bills and Claims: Councilman Hillberry abstained #27 and Councilman Young #52. Councilwoman Spencer made a motion the bills be allowed and authorize the Treasurer to draw warrants for payment of the same, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Beekeeping in City Limits: Councilman Hillberry made a motion to bring back from the table, seconded by Councilman Mangold, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Cindy Fulton State of Wyoming Pesticide Lead Officer and Kelsey Hart State of Wyoming Apiary Inspector were available for questions on beekeeping. Ms. Hart gave information on habits of bees and fielded council’s questions. Ms. Fulton answered questions on pesticides and herbicides in regard to bees and hive owner responsibility. Colton VanLake spoke about care and upkeep of personal hives. Councilman Mangold moved to table to next meeting, seconded by Councilman Sapp, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Catering permit request Burlington Place March 20th at Fairgrounds. Councilman Young moved to approve, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Catering permit request WYOld West Brewing March 7th at Fairgrounds. Councilman Young moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Request Waiver of Fees building permits at Homesteader Museum. Brandi Wright Director of Homesteader Museum made request. Mayor Wetzel asked if City owned, and City owns the land the County owns the building. Councilman Hillberry moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Mangold, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Request for Land Owner Consent Industrial Hemp Production/Processing for Gluten Free Oats, Inc. application. Jill Smith, owner of GFO, Inc. addressed the council on the production of hemp and approval by Wyoming Governor at the end of February. Council addressed concerns on production in addition to GFO, Inc. current business and other questions on odor production. Councilman Mangold moved to approve and authorize signatures, seconded by Councilman Lensegrav, AYE: Mangold, Hillberry, Lensegrav, Wetzel, NAY: Young, Sapp, Spencer, MOTION APPROVED.
Committee updates Councilman Young Recycling Board and Councilwoman Spencer PEP and WAM. Resolution No. 3, 2020: Petition of Annexation Shoopman No. 3A Annexation. Read by Attorney Kath and is the first step in annexation of property into city. Councilman Mangold moved to approve and authorize signatures, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Ordinance No. 1, 2020: An Ordinance Amending Section 15.12.120 of the Powell City Code by Requiring Outside Disconnects for Electrical Systems. Read by Attorney Kitchen and Electrical Supt. Franck addressed the current issues and safety for implementing the ordinance. Councilman Hillberry moved to approve on first reading, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED.
Waterline Agreement Two Dot Ranch and City of Powell: Administrator Thorington asked to table until the next meeting for additions needed to the contract. Councilman Lensegrav moved to table, seconded by Councilman Young, unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. General Announcements: Administrator Thorington let Council know new website should be live this week.
There being no further business to be considered at this meeting, Councilman Lensegrav moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer unanimous approval, MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Wetzel adjourned the regular meeting at 6:57 p.m.
/s/ John F. Wetzel
/s/ Tiffany Brando
City Clerk
Publ., Tues., March 10, 2020
1 360 Office Solutions Various 263.20 Monthly Copy Fees & Coffee Creamer
2 Absaroka Door Aquatics 150.00 Door Repair
3 Aldrich’s Shop 17.37 Screws & Plumbing Supplies
4 Alsco Various 179.57 Mat Cleaning Fees & Deodorizers
5 AT&T Mobility Administration 132.48 Monthly Cell Phone IT & Admin
6 Big Sky Communications, Inc. Police 550.00 Headsets & Base
7 Bloedorn Lumber Various 574.56 Lumber, Metal, Door Knob & Screws
8 BMI Administration 327.60 Annual Music License
9 Bobcat of the Bighorn Basin Parks 222.88 Cutting Edge, Bolts & Nuts
10 Border States Electric Supply Electric 13,741.51 Cutouts, CT’s & Transformers
11 Bradford Supply Company Shop 108.64 Plumbing Supplies
12 Bull Durham Technologies Various 1,828.80 Bitdefender Antivirus
13 Carquest Various 29.91 Brake Rotors & Hydraulic Hose
14 CED Electric, Shop 369.88 LED Wraps & Wire
15 Charter Communications Police 7.43 Cable TV Fees
16 City of Powell ~ Petty Cash Account Various 88.48 Fuel, Fence Parts, Meals & Postage Fees
17 City of Powell ~ Utilities Various 24,257.44 Monthly Utility Fees
18 CNA SURETY Finance 250.00 Treasurers Bond
19 Energy Laboratories, Inc Waste Water 706.00 Waste Water Testing
20 Engineering Associates Elec, Water 1,700.86 Vining Substation, Tank & DEQ Engineering
21 Fastenal Various 114.69 Bolts, PVC Glue & Dividers
22 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #2697 Water 3,268.75 Water Meters & Water Meter Parts
23 Fremont Motor Powell Police 645.44 Tires for Unit 9-17
24 Graybar Electric Company Electric 47,567.28 Fuse Holders & Street Light Fixtures
25 Green Life Solution Electric 9,300.00 Tree Trimming Services
26 HDR Engineering Inc. Electric 6,126.00 Vining Substation Engineering
27 Hillberry, James Council 14.95 Mileage Pipeline Meeting in Cody
28 Inter. Assoc of Chiefs of Police Police 190.00 Membership Dues R Eckerdt
29 John Deere Financial Various 800.31 Pin, Bushing, PTO Shaft & Drive Shaft
30 Long Building Technologies, Inc Aquatics 3,588.05 Replace West Pool Pak
31 Marquis Awards & Specialties Council 94.00 Retirement Plaque G. Butts
32 Mountain West Computer Various 2,580.96 Office Chairs, Files, Network Switches, Ink
& Supplies
33 Napa Auto Parts Various 530.25 Misc. Purchases for Various Departments
34 Nelson, Kaela Finance 85.00 GFOA Webinar on Payables
35 Northwest Rural Water District Airport, W Wat 185.40 Monthly Water Fees
36 O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. Police 42.14 Throttle Pedal Unit 9-16
37 Office Shop, The Police 93.41 Monthly Copy Fees
38 Powell Ace Hardware, LLC Various 219.60 Misc. Purchases for Various Departments
39 Powell Welding & Indust.Supply, LLC Water 60.45 Safety Glasses
40 Pro-Vision Inc Police 5,900.95 In Car Video Systems
41 Production Machine Company Streets, Water 334.41 Airport Pump Manifold & Hose Fittings
42 Rimrock Tire Streets 26.90 Tubes for Unit 6-47 Ventrac
43 Rocky Mountain Fire Systems Sanitation 180.00 Semi Annual Alarm Monitoring Fees
44 Sanders Plumbing & Heating, Inc Water 335.00 Heater Repair Water Shop
45 Valli Information Systems, Inc. Finance 1,566.53 Utility Billing Processing & Postage Fees
46 Verizon Wireless Various 1,179.40 Monthly Cell Phone Charges
47 Visa Various 12,492.11 Misc. Purchases for Various Departments
48 Warren Transport Sanitation 5,461.77 Trash Hauling Fees
49 White Ink Streets 40.00 Business Cards for A Metzler
50 Williams Inland Distributors Aquatics 140.88 Ice Cream for Concession Resale
51 Wyoming Department of Agriculture Aquatics 50.00 Annual Food License
52 Young, Floyd Council 31.63 Mileage YCAN Meeting Greybull
TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIMS FOR: 3-Mar-20 $148,752.87