Be polite ¬ó and obey the law

Posted 10/7/08

Powell people are, for the most part, a pretty polite bunch.

People say hello to each other in the grocery store, they wave to each other while driving down the street, and they know the neighbor kids by name.

However, good manners fail too …

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Be polite ¬ó and obey the law


Powell people are, for the most part, a pretty polite bunch. People say hello to each other in the grocery store, they wave to each other while driving down the street, and they know the neighbor kids by name. However, good manners fail too many of us in one place — at crosswalks. All around town, Powell drivers can be spotted failing to yield to pedestrians — and bicyclists — waiting to cross the street.It's not just impolite — it's against the law. Wyoming statute says that drivers must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians already in, or entering, a marked crosswalk.According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 4,827 pedestrians were killed in accidents in the U.S. in 2003. About 10 percent of them were children.With our kids back in school — and many other people walking or biking to save gas — drivers must be vigilant in making sure our streets are safe for pedestrians and bikers.The extra 20 or 30 seconds it takes to allow someone to safely cross the street doesn't take much time out of the day. So slow down. Take a breath. Plus, you'll get bonus points for good manners.

Powell people are, for the most part, a pretty polite bunch.

People say hello to each other in the grocery store, they wave to each other while driving down the street, and they know the neighbor kids by name.

However, good manners fail too many of us in one place — at crosswalks. All around town, Powell drivers can be spotted failing to yield to pedestrians — and bicyclists — waiting to cross the street.

It's not just impolite — it's against the law. Wyoming statute says that drivers must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians already in, or entering, a marked crosswalk.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 4,827 pedestrians were killed in accidents in the U.S. in 2003. About 10 percent of them were children.

With our kids back in school — and many other people walking or biking to save gas — drivers must be vigilant in making sure our streets are safe for pedestrians and bikers.

The extra 20 or 30 seconds it takes to allow someone to safely cross the street doesn't take much time out of the day.

So slow down. Take a breath. Plus, you'll get bonus points for good manners.


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