Suppliers notice


Notice is hereby given that Park County, Wyoming (Buyer) will receive sealed bids until 4:00 P.M., local time, 5/6/2024 in the Park County Clerk’s Office, Cody, WY for Procurement of Piping Materials for the Willwood Road Improvements. Phase 1 consists of approximately 350 LF of RCP Pipe, 1,000 LF of 12” gated pipe and 1,500 LF of CMP Pipe, flared end sections, fittings and appurtenances. All bids publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of County Commissioners Meeting on 5/7/24, time to be announced later. Mail or deliver to Park County Clerk’s Office, 1002 Sheridan Avenue, Cody, WY 82414. Park County will take no responsibility for delivery of bids through mail.
Bidding documents are available at: Engineering Associates, 902 13th Street, P.O. Box 1900, Cody, WY 82414 for a $50.00 non-refundable fee. Park County, Wyoming reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any informalities if deemed in the best interest of the Owner. No bid may be considered unless accompanied by the required bid guarantee of 10% the total bid amount which amount shall be forfeited if the bidder is awarded the Contract and fails to enter into a Contract with the Owner.
Dated this 8 day of April, 2024.
/s/ Dossie Overfield
Park County Commissioners-Chair
First Publ., Thurs., April 11, 2024
Final Publ., Thurs., April 18, 2024
