Why no color guard at homecoming parade?

Submitted by Stuart Lebruska
Posted 10/8/24

Dear editor:

I am a Powell High School alumnus and was fortunate enough to be in Powell on Oct. 4 to watch the 2024 homecoming parade. It brought back a flood of really great memories of my …

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Why no color guard at homecoming parade?


Dear editor:

I am a Powell High School alumnus and was fortunate enough to be in Powell on Oct. 4 to watch the 2024 homecoming parade. It brought back a flood of really great memories of my younger years in Powell and graduating from PHS. Every time I return to Powell, I am reminded of what an amazing community this is and how fortunate I was to have been raised here.

While watching the parade, however, it struck me that there was no color guard — nobody carrying the American flag to lead the parade. Odder still, I was left scratching my head as to why the JROTC students were relegated to the back of the parade and not allowed to proudly lead the parade, carrying the flag and showing off their patriotism. Alternatively, why wasn’t the American Legion, VFW, Boy/Girl Scouts, or any other number of community organizations requested to lead the parade with a color guard? Surely there is no shortage of patriotic citizens in Powell who wouldn’t jump at the chance to carry the American flag along with military service flags.

I love Powell and hope that in the future there will be a color guard to lead ALL parades through this great city.

Stuart Lebruska

Topeka, Kansas


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