When science is no longer science

Submitted by Bob and Linda Graff 
Posted 4/11/23

Dear editor:

Morgan Tyree’s letter in the Tuesday, March 28 paper warrants a rebuttal, as true science no longer exists. We learned during Covid that Anthony Fauci “is science” …

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When science is no longer science


Dear editor:

Morgan Tyree’s letter in the Tuesday, March 28 paper warrants a rebuttal, as true science no longer exists. We learned during Covid that Anthony Fauci “is science” and we were to believe everything he said with no questions asked. Then we learned that there was no scientific basis for any of his decisions. He, along with complicit media and ill-advised politicians, nearly destroyed this country.

Like television “journalists,” Environmentalists make up the story as they go along, giving their opinions with no real science or questionable “facts” to back them up. We hear nothing but made up stories now and we have to decipher or cull out the facts ourselves. That is hard to do when truly authoritative sources are few and far between.

The science of today has devolved. Instead of developing a theory and testing that theory with repeatable results, many “scientists” today manipulate the data until they get the results they want, according to who paid for it.

At the very least, people on both sides of an issue can create a narrative that fits their story. We are no longer able to trust what is being delivered as science at face value.

Bob and Linda Graff 



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