What will the total cost of state shooting complex be?

Submitted by Cathy Selby
Posted 6/27/24

Dear editor: Park County is one of the possible sites that will be selected this week for the new Wyoming State Shooting Complex. The Wyoming State Legislature has promised $10 million towards …

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What will the total cost of state shooting complex be?


Dear editor:
Park County is one of the possible sites that will be selected this week for the new Wyoming State Shooting Complex. The Wyoming State Legislature has promised $10 million towards the project. The Wyoming Game and Fish at one time also promised $10 million towards the project.  That last sentence begs the question: If the department is so short on funds, how can they commit to that amount?
In 2021 the now finished Game and Fish complex north of Cody was projected to come in at $8.8 million. By September of 2022 the figure for completion was stated at $9.6 million.
So how is a “world class shooting facility” that will, depending on site finalized on, and will be upwards of several thousand acres, with the need for all of the infrastructure, roads, electricity, water, sewer, multiple buildings, and on and on, come in at “just” $20 million? What will the actual figure need to be to complete all of the lofty ideas come to and where will the funds come from?
Will the facility, that we are told will bring in $50 million a year, pay the cost of building back to the state, i.e. taxpayers, and the Game and Fish, i.e. sportsmen, or will that just be another dark hole our taxes disappear into?

Cathy Selby


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