The people of Powell should adhere to the Bible

Submitted by Alexander Speiser
Posted 3/21/23

Dear editor:

Though I no longer live in Powell I consider it my home, having been raised there during my formal years. For this reason, I am deeply concerned about the community’s direction …

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The people of Powell should adhere to the Bible


Dear editor:

Though I no longer live in Powell I consider it my home, having been raised there during my formal years. For this reason, I am deeply concerned about the community’s direction and how they handle the bombardment of evil, yet popular ideas.

This I know: If the people in Powell want to curb crime, raise stronger families, and have more resilient and productive citizens, then it is vital they stick to the Bible in matters of governance and moral framework.

Some may feel like this is a cop-out answer or an ignorant recommendation. It is not. The teachings, precepts, and principles of the Bible are the antidote to the chaos of self-destructive behaviors and beliefs which runs rampantly popular across the nation. Its messages are sublime and instruction profound. To heal the scourge of broken homes, racial tension, political tribalism, and even socially contagious mental illnesses, return to the Bible.

These incredible benefits are available to all, even those who do not believe in the Bible, because the principles are universally and eternally true and lead a person to improve themselves and serve others. The Bible elevates and saves the soul while simultaneously elevating and saving individuals from the harm of self-destruction caused by unbridled behaviors and malignant beliefs. These benefits aren’t theoretical, they are deeply factual.

On that note of a factual basis, due to word limitations, I will only cite two examples. First, observe the trend that “Western” countries have enjoyed growing measures of prosperity, peace, better quality of living, equity, and equality over the past couple of hundred years (though declining as of late). What we call “Western” is really a pseudonym for “Christian nations” or what could be described as biblically moral and conscious. Each of these countries had Christianity as its primary religion and moral foundation. Whereas in the Dark Ages, these nations were no better than nations of ages past (even committing atrocities in the name of Christianity), they slowly and finally revised their policies and outlooks to align with the Bible they previously pretended to follow. As a result, they became more peaceful, industrious, and egalitarian. With the exception of periods when wars ignited only AFTER the abandonment of Christianity and the Bible, citizens of “Western”/Christian nations have enjoyed these blessings and spread many of these blessings globally.

As for the second point, even the emancipation of slaves and suppression of global slavery came at great prices and only for the sake of enforcing biblically-clear principles that were anti-slavery. Something that ONLY “Western” countries (namely America and Great Britain) paid the price to accomplish.

I hope that more people will boldly and lovingly affirm the truths of the Bible, especially in the public square. Contrary to popular assumption, it will be good for the community, build bridges and stop the downward spiral caused by the national embrace of corrupt ideas. If citizens will safeguard their community by openly exercising Christian values and even actively opposing and stopping the spread of corrupt ideas, Powell will remain strong despite what happens in the world.

Alexander Speiser

Orem, Utah
