Speak up about  Rocky Mountain Power’s rate hike

Submitted by Tony Locke
Posted 8/10/23

Dear editor:

Rocky Mountain Power has proposed 29.2% total rate increase.

Yes, 29.2%! That’s not a typo. Rocky Mountain Power is requesting that your power bill be raised almost 30%, …

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Speak up about  Rocky Mountain Power’s rate hike


Dear editor:

Rocky Mountain Power has proposed 29.2% total rate increase.

Yes, 29.2%! That’s not a typo. Rocky Mountain Power is requesting that your power bill be raised almost 30%, with 7.6% of that already in place on an “interim basis” — prior to any ruling by the state’s Public Service Commission, and prior to the people of Wyoming having a voice and the ability to weigh in on a crippling rate hike.

A rate hike of this magnitude would devastate local Wyoming households and cripple local Wyoming businesses. Think of what adding 30% to your own power bill would do. Ask your employer what that will mean to the company where you work, and the future of that company — your future. Contact your local government officials at the city and county level and ask them what a 30% hike in those rates will do to critical services — and how much they’ll want to raise your taxes to pay for that added cost. Taxes on top of you paying that 30% at home, and through increased prices at local stores. This sort of inflationary cycle will only worsen as the very expensive dog-days of summer turn to deadly freezing days and nights of winter.

Rocky Mountain Power claims that the increase will “only” be $19.72 for a household. Unfortunately, that claim is based on an egregiously misleading estimate. Rocky Mountain Power claims in public statements that power use is 709 KwH/month — but in 2021, the US Energy Information Administration calculated the average use at 886KwH/month for a 1000 sq ft dwelling — 25% more than Rocky Mountain Power claims. And while you can get an apartment in the 750-1,000 square foot range, most homes in Wyoming are larger — often twice as large or more. This makes the “$19.72/month” rate increase both misleading and insulting to the people, businesses and communities of Wyoming.

As a representative of the people of Wyoming in HD-35, I contacted the Public Service Commission to request an additional hearing on this matter to be held in Casper. The commission announced they WILL hold a hearing on Thursday, Aug. 24, starting at 5:30 p.m., at the Thyra Thomson State Office Building located at 444 W. Collins Dr., Roundhouse Conference Room #3024, Casper, WY. 

I urge everyone to attend this meeting in person to express your thoughts and feelings — pro or con — regarding this rate hike. You can also attend via “Zoom” or by phone. I also urge everyone to contact the Public Service Commission, and the PSC’s Office of Consumer Advocate to express your opinion.

Beyond that, I urge you to contact your elected representatives at the city, county and state level and ask them to defend your household and community from this crushing rate hike that will create an inflationary firestorm.

You’ll probably also receive e-mails and other notices from Rocky Mountain Power, extolling their public involvement and support of our communities. I urge you to thank them for that support, and request they continue that support by not imposing a 30% increase in your power bills, so that they can continue to pay a 5.6% plus dividend to out-of-state organizations at the expense of Wyoming.

Rep. Tony Locke (R-Casper)

House District 35


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