Shoopman annexation


(Shoopman No. 3A Annexation)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, Powell, Wyoming, by Powell Planning and Zoning Commission and/or the Governing Body of the City of Powell, the purpose of which is to consider the annexation of, and a proposed ordinance annexing the Shoopman No. 3A Annexation into the City of Powell, and to consider the zoning of all of said property as “RG” General Residential District as per Chapter 17.24 of the Powell City Code. The Public Hearings to be held are as follows:
1. For Powell Planning and Zoning Commission on Monday, March 30, 2020, at 7:00 o’clock p.m.;
2. For the Powell City Council on April 6, 2020, at 6:00 p.m.
The legal description of the subject real property is as follows:
A parcel of land located in Lot 62-C, Lot 62 (NESE, Original Section 14), T55N, R99W, 6th PM, Park County, Wyoming, and being a portion of the property described by the Warranty Deed recorded as Document 2019, Page 2467, at the Park County Clerk and Recorder’s Office in Cody, Wyoming, with said parcel of land described more particularly as follows:
Commencing at the 1½ inch aluminum cap found at the Northeast corner of said Lot 62-C; thence , N89054’04”W, along the north line of said Lot 62-C, 489.94 feet, to a calculated position being the POINT OF BEGINNING of this parcel of land description.
Thence, from said Point of Beginning continue N89054’04”W, along said north line, 828.72 feet, to an “X” chiseled in concrete at the Northwest corner of said Lot 62-C; thence, S00004’45”W, along the west line of said Lot 62-C, 135.00 feet, to a calculated position, from which a 2 inch aluminum cap found at the Southwest corner of said Lot 62-C bears, S00004’45”W, along said west line, 1184.25 feet; thence, S89054’04”E, parallel to said north line, 828.79 feet, to a calculated position; thence, N00002’59”E, 95.00 feet, to intersect the right-of-way of Monroe Street at a 2 inch aluminum cap witness corner set; thence, continue N00002’59”E, 40.00 feet, to said Point of Beginning of this parcel of land description, containing 2.57 acres, more or less, and subject to all easements, rights-of-way and restrictions of record.
Basis of Bearing being Grid North according to the Wyoming State Plane Coordinate System, West Central Zone, with a bearing of N89054’04”W, along the north line of said Lot 62-C, 1318.66 feet, between the 1½ inch aluminum cap found at the Northeast corner of said Lot 62-C and the “X” chiseled in concrete at the Northwest corner of said Lot 62-C.

Pursuant to W.S. 15-1-405(b), the following information is provided:
1. A vicinity map and legal description of the subject area is set forth above.
2. At this time, and until development begins upon the annexed property, the estimated cost of infrastructure improvements required by the land owner related to this annexation is negligible. The owner/developer will bear the associated costs of any infrastructure improvements at such time that development begins for sewer, water, telephone, internet, cable TV, electric, natural gas, paving, sidewalks and curb & gutter installation.
3. At such time that the subject annexed property is being developed, basic and other services to the proposed annexed property include those services customarily available to residents within the City of Powell as follows: sanitary sewer, storm sewer, potable water, electric service, Powell Link, natural gas, telephone service, paved streets with curb, gutter and sidewalk, and cable television. Subject property will also have available to it street maintenance, police coverage, refuse collection and animal control services.
4. At such time that the subject property is being developed and/or occupied, the projected service costs for services provided will be subject to the current rates then in effect for utility services and will be dependent upon usage. There are no annual utility fees assessed for service. The individual residential rates as of March 1, 2020, for utility services are as follows:
Utility Service Current/Proposed Usage Rates
Sewer (based on ¾” water meter) $14.52/month base plus $1.81/1000 gallons
Water (based on ¾” water meter) $33.44/month base plus $2.97/1000 gallons
Sanitation $31.10/month
Electrical $27/month base plus $0.1145/KwH
Natural Gas Subject to change per Public Service
Commission. Contact MDU (800)638-3278 for
Current rates
Telephone Rates vary based on services provided
Cable TV Rates vary based on services provided
Internet Rates vary based on services provided
5. The current and projected property tax mill levies imposed by the municipality are anticipated to be as follows: Currently the County levies a property tax of 8 mills on property located within the Powell City limits; 5 mills go directly to the City of Powell and 3 mills go to Park County Fire District #1 (74.377 total mills).
6. Cost of any additional infrastructure improvements needed for the development of the subject property will be the responsibility of the developer. The City is currently unaware of any additional improvements to the infrastructure that will be required within the existing boundaries of the City of Powell in order to accommodate the proposed development of this property at this time.
All persons interested may appear and be heard at the above times and places.
Tiffany Brando, City Clerk
First Publ., Thurs., March 19, 2020
Final Publ., Thurs., March 26, 2020


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