Set the standard

Submitted by Robin Berry
Posted 5/2/23

Dear editor:

An open letter to Gov. Mark Gordon:

Do you not represent all Wyoming citizens? Those in vulnerable stages of life? Are you ready to turn your back and allow the brutal murder …

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Set the standard


Dear editor:

An open letter to Gov. Mark Gordon:

Do you not represent all Wyoming citizens? Those in vulnerable stages of life? Are you ready to turn your back and allow the brutal murder of the children and the elderly?

Does it not bother you that babies are tortured and dismembered? Being poisoned and having their spines snapped in two?

I had thought better of you. I thought you cared for your constituents.

Secretary of State Chuck Gray is not grandstanding. He is standing up for his principles. He cares that the most vulnerable of us are being killed because they are an ‘inconvenience.’

Please take some time to understand the real issues at hand. A few evil people in our great state are making money on the destruction of not only “life” but “lives.” When a vulnerable young woman is coerced into murdering her unborn child, she later comes to know what she has really done — murdered her innocent, trusting child. Her life from that point on will never be the same. The guilt goes with you every hour of every day for the rest of your life. I know.

We as a human race have lost the lesson of just how precious life is. If one studies where we are currently headed, we are on a doomsday course. Our productivity is failing, our brain power diminishing, our reproduction is in decline; what part of that is being attended to? None of it.

Our factories are in third world countries producing substandard goods; our “schools” of higher learning require “remedial classes” so that the student body can read or cipher; the 2.3 children born per couple to maintain our species is spiraling down.

What might help is to reevaluate the moral decay in our society. Stop promoting “sex” as a “sport” and its consequences as collateral damage. Perhaps make marriage and family a priority;  the acceptable norm again. Stop the promotion of abnormal behavior as the standard. Stop mutilating our children and “putting” our aging population on drugs or talking them into ending their lives.

As our governor, you are to set the standard not to hang back and see which way the winds will blow. 

Robin Berry



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