School scores decline, while costs rise

Submitted by Glen Schultz
Posted 7/25/23

Dear editor:

Twelve concerned Park County citizens drove to Sheridan to appear, on June 26, 2023, before a panel of five Wyoming Senators and nine Representatives to express concerns about high …

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School scores decline, while costs rise


Dear editor:

Twelve concerned Park County citizens drove to Sheridan to appear, on June 26, 2023, before a panel of five Wyoming Senators and nine Representatives to express concerns about high state property taxes. Several hundred others also attended. Many were prepared to show support for significant tax reduction through elimination of wasteful, ineffective and/or unnecessary spending, however two agents from the Wyoming Department of Revenue were given the floor until about 3 p.m. By that time most others had already left.

My presentation focused mostly on the rapidly rising cost of educating our youth relative to the rapid decline of test scores since 2012.  I have included supporting data and sources.  It is noteworthy that 72.6% of property tax dollars went to Park County schools in 2022, according to a pie-chart published by the Park County Treasurer.

Supporting data can be found at, which has been analyzing public school’s effectiveness since 2006.  

A few disturbing Park County school statistics follow: In 2022, alone, the “Per Pupil Expenditure” was $40,979 for the Meeteetse School.  Since 2012, school “rankings” went DOWN as follows: Sunset Elementary down 25%;  Glen Livingston down 93%;  Southside Elementary down 19%; Parkside Elementary down 11% … yet many folks have seen property tax increases well over 78% since 2012.  

Other disturbing data is referenced in a National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) report, which documented a disturbing overall decline in national average of reading and mathematic scores of 13-year-old students (from 2012 to 2023).  

From 2012 to 2020 “reading” scores declined 0.375 points/year.  From 2020 to 2023, “reading” scores declined 1.33 points/yr ... “355% faster than the previous eight years.”

From 2012 to 2020 “math” scores declined 0.625 points/year. From 2020 to 2023, “math” scores declined 3 points/per year … “480% faster than the previous eight years.”

Glen Schultz



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