Shoshone Municipal Pipeline (SMP) of Cody, Wyoming will conduct a public meeting at 9:30 a.m., on April 13, 2020, in the conference room at the SMP offices at 50 Agua Via, Cody, Wyoming. The purpose of the meeting is to allow citizens to review and comment on the following project. The project, SMP Emergency Power & HVAC Upgrade Project, will involve the replacement of three emergency power generators and one boiler, all of which are thirty (30) years old. The loss of any of these pieces of equipment poses a potential public health issue.
At the meeting, Shoshone Municipal Pipeline will present the preliminary plans of the proposed project and will discuss the estimated cost of the improvements and the plan for funding the improvements. A preliminary plan of the improvements, cost estimates, and the funding plan can also be reviewed at the SMP office at 50 Agua Via, Cody, Wyoming. Contact Craig Barsness, Manager, with any questions at 307-527-6492.
Based on current cost estimates, Shoshone Municipal Pipeline plans to borrow $1,305,480.00 from the Wyoming Drinking Water State Revolving Fund administered by the Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments. The loan will be repaid from the customers’ existing water sales and tap fee bills. There will be no increase in the customers’ monthly water bills to pay for this loan. The loan terms will be 2.5% interest and 20 years.
Written comments are also welcome. Send written comments to: SMP Emergency Power & HVAC Upgrade Project, Shoshone Municipal Pipeline, P. O. Box 488, Cody, Wyoming 82414, or email them to . Written comments must be submitted by 9:00 a.m., April 13, 2020.
Publ., Tues., March 31, 2020