Loaves and Fishes partners with post office for food drive

Posted 5/11/23

Dear editor:

Powell Valley Loaves and Fishes is once again partnering with the Powell Post Office and postal workers for the Stamp Out Hunger food drive this Saturday, May 13. Food …

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Loaves and Fishes partners with post office for food drive


Dear editor:

Powell Valley Loaves and Fishes is once again partnering with the Powell Post Office and postal workers for the Stamp Out Hunger food drive this Saturday, May 13. Food collection bags will be distributed this week by the postal workers in the mail for collection on Saturday. Please place your nonperishable items by your mail box or on your step for collection or food may placed in the collection barrels located at Blair’s or The Market located here in Powell. Powell Valley Loaves and Fishes board would like to thank the Powell Post Office and postal workers, our community, our volunteers and local businesses for your continued support through the years. Each and every donation whether it is food or monetary is a blessing to our pantry shelves. Thank you.


Cindy Balderas, Peggy Snyder, Julie Fulton, Beegee Coughenour, Sharon Bailey, Jim Wysocki, Vickie Blevins, Linda Fischer


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