Lateral RFQ
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Deaver Irrigation District is rehabilitating the LF158 Lateral. The project will include the retrofitting of current pipeline turnouts, redesign of sublaterals and converting open dirt ditches to buried pressurized pipe. The Engineering firm will need to provide grant writing and associated grant administration, design and contract administration services that meet the requirements of the major funding sources, The Wyoming Water Development Commission and the Bureau of Reclamation. The engineering services generally require environmental assessment, pre-design survey, procurement documents, bidding/contract administration, construction observation, material testing and record drawings.
Qualifications are due by 4:PM, July 31, 2024. By mail: PO Box 205, Deaver Wyoming 82421: by Email: The District will make a selection at the next regular business meeting on August 5, 2024.
The Deaver Irrigation District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, and the waive of all technicalities. The right is reserved to make award as considered to be the most advantageous to the Deaver Irrigation District.
Deaver Irrigation District 307-664-2351
Publ., Fri., July 5, 2024