Is indictment unequal justice?

Submitted by Phil Anthony
Posted 6/20/23

Dear editor:

A copy of a message sent to Sen. John Barrasso, for the edification of your readers ...


I just read this quote from you “This indictment certainly looks …

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Is indictment unequal justice?


Dear editor:

A copy of a message sent to Sen. John Barrasso, for the edification of your readers ...


I just read this quote from you “This indictment certainly looks like an unequal application of justice. You can’t help but ask why this is happening. It feels political, and it’s rotten.”

In the last few weeks, we’ve seen other individuals prosecuted for the mishandling of classified documents, the death in prison of a notorious spy convicted of selling classified documents, we’ve heard quotes from the former president saying, after passing the law (during your tenure) under which he’s been indicted, that people mishandling classified documents should be locked up. I don’t understand where you see the unequal application of justice. Is it because of Hillary Clinton? Remember, the Republican House of Representatives investigated her for two years, spending millions of dollars to do it, only to find nothing illegal. That, Mr. Barrasso, was an unequal, political application of justice.

Phil Anthony



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