Invitation to bid


PARK COUNTY FAIR ADVISORY BOARD, WYOMING, is soliciting proposals for the wooden pens currently installed in the goat barn at the Park County Fairgrounds. Removal of the pens will be done by the individual with the winning bid. This location is at 655 East 5th Street, Powell, Wyoming.
Proposals must be submitted on the Proposal Summary form provided by the Owner. Sealed proposals must be addressed to the Park County Fair Board, 655 East 5th Street, Powell, WY 82435 in a sealed envelope marked “PARK COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS WOODEN GOAT PENS BID” at the address above no later than 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, 2019. Proposal opening will take place at the regular meeting April 9, 2019.
Proposal Summary forms will be available at the Park County Events & Fair Office, 655 East 5th Street, Powell, WY 82435. Proposal Summary forms may also be obtained online at or by calling (307) 754-8855.
Proposals may not be withdrawn after the time fixed for opening. The Owner reserves the right to waive irregularities and reject any and all bids. Removal of wooden pens must be completed by April 30, 2019.
Walk through available by calling (307) 754-8855 or coming to the Events and Fair office at 655 East 5th Street, Powell, WY 82435. There are a total of 35 goat pens. Each pen is 4’ wide x 8’ deep x 4’ high.
First Publ., Tues., April 2, 2019
Second Publ., Thurs., April 4, 2019
