Game and Fish mismanaging hunting

Submitted by  Randy Selby
Posted 1/3/23

Dear editor:

I’ve been following the happenings of the Wyoming Game and Fish “task farce.”

Limiting out of state and resident draw permits is a faint start, but it needs to go …

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Game and Fish mismanaging hunting


Dear editor:

I’ve been following the happenings of the Wyoming Game and Fish “task farce.”

Limiting out of state and resident draw permits is a faint start, but it needs to go further.

Our deer herds are sorely depleted in areas 105-106, 109, 110 and 111. And I am sure that may be the trend in other areas. Residents are shooting any buck with antlers. Outfitters are taking the best bucks that can be found [a poor representation of what used to be] just to fill a tag. Quality and quantity are gone forever at this rate.

Numerous outfitters have a number of guides searching every drainage for a ram, elk or deer, passing that information on electronically. Many are taking 18-20 rams a season. Out of control.  Can’t keep taking from savings, without letting principal multiply faster.

Add to all of this a huge grizzly population eating most of the newborns, wolves, lions and coyotes. Predators are ruling everything, but nothing is addressed by the task farce. The task farces are always too little, too late.

Brian Nesvik says the new Game and Fish facility is investing in the Big Horn Basin, yet the mismanagement dictates otherwise.

Big money, big paychecks and retirement while doing nothing. But, heck, Nesvik says we can still hunt! What a twisted comment from the director.

Alaska doesn’t do “task farces” they just use input from on the ground information from employees and hunters [mandatory] and automatically adjust tags up or down, depending on weakness or strength of herds. They actually use their training in game management.

Not here. Just socialistic control of people, side stepping game management with task farces.

 Randy Selby



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