Elites vs. the people

Submitted by Jim Vetter
Posted 6/25/24

Dear editor:

A constant in human history is the question: who rules. Up until the American Revolution, there was always a king, queen, chief or an elite who sat at the top and ruled the …

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Elites vs. the people


Dear editor:

A constant in human history is the question: who rules. Up until the American Revolution, there was always a king, queen, chief or an elite who sat at the top and ruled the people. Our Declaration of Independence changed this dynamic by declaring governments are instituted by men (e.g. people) and derive their powers from the consent of the governed. That the purpose of government was to secure the inalienable rights of individuals, including life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  

We all grew up believing in individual liberties, limited government, and that our federal, state and local governments were there to serve us. However, the past several decades have shown government at all levels are no longer servants but rather exercise power over us for their own purposes and those of their special interests. Cliques or oligarchies (e.g. government by a few, especially by a small faction of persons or families) increasingly control things. They treat us like sheep to be sheared. And unfortunately Wyoming and Park County are not immune from this development.  

Look how the Uniparty elites in the Wyoming Legislature increased the state budget 30% in one year. How Gov. Mark Gordon vetoed property tax reform and criticized the people for wanting relief. How county commissioners lobbied against property tax reform. And the list goes on. 

In ancient Rome it was the Optimates versus the Populares. This is the eternal struggle between the elites and the people.  

We have the opportunity to take back our government from the ruling establishment elites when we vote in the primary election (Aug. 20 election day, July 23 early voting). In Cheyenne, we have solid populist conservatives in Sen. Tim French, Rep. Rachel Rodriguez-Williams and Sen. Dan Laursen. They need reinforcements in Cheyenne. And we need to start cleaning house at the county and city level.  

With Independence Day upon us, re-read the Declaration of Independence. Reflect on the  founders and the inheritance they bequeathed us. Get educated on who the populist conservatives are running for office in Park County. Let’s start setting things right in Washington D.C., Cheyenne and Park County by sending the establishment elites packing and electing populist conservatives who will serve the people. 

Jim Vetter



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