County minutes May 14, 2024


Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
​Chairwoman Dossie Overfield called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. Present were Vice Chairman, Scott Steward, Commissioners Scott Mangold, Lloyd Thiel and Clerk Colleen Renner. Commissioner Livingston was absent.
​Jenny Cramer led the audience in the pledge of allegiance.
Commissioners – RE: DSR Kickoff with Logan Simpson
Melissa Ruth, Project Manager introduced the members of the team who were present. Sophie Frankenburg and Nina Williams. The overview will be presented to the public in a phased approach beginning with Phase 1 – Foundation; Phase 2 – First Round Amendments which will involve formatting and administrative changes; Phase 3 - Second Round Regulation Amendments; and Phase 4 – Project Closeout. Projected time frame is from now to a completed Development Standards & Regulations document in January 2026.
​The group arrived on Monday and completed the county tour. The next several days will be spent with the Commissioners, Technical Working Group, Planning & Zoning Board, and key staff.
Rebekah Burns, Executive Director, Powell Economic Partnership (PEP) – RE: Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program
Ms. Burns introduced Jessica Williams, Grant Manager for PEP. Ms. Burns presented two potential grants that could be applied for to pay for a transportation plan county wide. The Governor’s $100,000 matching funds from Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act match could be used to secure a $400,000 Federal Grant to create a County-Wide Comprehensive Safety & Transportation Action Plan for improving safety of all roads for all modes of transportation.
​After completing this process, it could potentially open doors to other funding sources which require a transportation plan. Commissioner Mangold moved to approve the Safe Streets & Roads for All and Governor’s match with signatures, if necessary, Commissioner Steward seconded. Commissioner Thiel suggested the Governors grant be approved first before proceeding to the Federal level after discussions the motion remained the same and the motion carried.
​Commissioner Mangold moved to adjourn, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and the motion carried.
Dossie Overfield, Chairwoman​​​Scott Steward, Vice Chairman
Lee Livingston, Commissioner​​​
Scott Mangold, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ., Tues., May 28, 2024


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