County minutes June 2, 2020


Park County Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Chairman Tilden called to order a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Park County, Wyoming, on Tuesday, June 2, 2020. Present were Vice Chairman, Lee Livingston, Commissioners, Dossie Overfield, Jake Fulkerson, Lloyd Thiel, and Clerk Colleen Renner.
Commissioner Fulkerson led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Items:
Approve-Minutes, Payroll and Vouchers
Commissioner Livingston made a motion to approve the following consent agenda items: minutes from May 19, bi-weekly payroll in the amount of $604,923.37; vouchers; approve and allow Chairman to Sign 2020 LEC Agreement and the Sign 2020-24, 4-year Department of Family Services Lease Agreement for the Powell Complex and 2020 –24, 4-year Department of Health Lease Agreement for the Powell Complex; approval of Public Works donating a damaged 1998 Nissan Altima to the Powell Fire Department. Commissioner Overfield seconded and the motion carried.
Park County Engineer, Brian Edwards – RE: Open Sealed Bids for the Public Sale of a Park County 1981 Chevrolet Crew Cab Pickup
Ben McDonald and Trapper Marsh came before the board to open the eight bids received in the Clerk’s office before the deadline, there was one bid received late and was disqualified.
• Matt Otterby, Casper, WY - $1,600.00
• Sadie Harper, Greybull, WY - $1,500.00
• Josh Wallace, Douglas, WY - $2,152.00
• Sunshyne Hines Powell, WY - $2,500.00
• Charles Sullivan Powell, WY - $2,600.00
• Brian Beavers Powell, WY - $1,111.11
• Cliff Fink Greybull, WY - $2,600.00
• Cody Edwards Cody, WY - $1,151.99
The truck is being sold as is and bidders were given the opportunity to look at the vehicle before bidding. Mr. McDonald will report back with the recommendation.
Park County Engineer, Brian Edwards, Ben McDonald – RE: Open Sealed Bids for 2020 CMAQ Dust Suppressant Application on Certain Park County Gravel Roads
Mr. Edwards reminded the Board that the county match is 20%. Two bids were received in the Clerk’s office.
• Desert Mountain Corporation, Riverton – total cost $146,899.10
• Dust Busters Enterprises, Evanston – total cost $144,962.40
Mr. Edwards will review the bids and return with a recommendation.
10:35 a.m. Cody Regional Health Community Prevention Manager, Wendy Morris – RE: Park County 2020 – 2022 Prevention Grant Contract Renewal
Ms. Morris gave an update on the renewal of the prevention grant along with Powell Police Chief Eckerdt. The deadline for the grant is June 15. Ms. Morris reported strategies will remain similar with underage alcohol, marijuana, vaping devices, nicotine use to name a few. The group will be educating the public/youth on edibles, hemp, suicide prevention, this grant will also put in place a Wyoming state call center. Some of the dollars will be lost in the grant due to COVID-19 cancellations. Ms. Morris will begin working with the Clerk this next grant cycle. After further discussions on the internal workings of the grant and questions Commissioner Fulkerson made a motion to approve the grant application in the amount of $380,926, Commissioner Livingston seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Commissioners – RE: Discussion on Park County Supervised Treatment Center Moving to Park County Complex
Mr. Garza, Shannon Votaw and the Commissioners will conduct a walkthrough of the County Complex and investigate the possibilities of moving Drug Court to the county complex and selling the building they are in now. The Commissioners unanimously agreed that Commissioner Fulkerson and Mr. Garza may continue to investigate selling the property owned by the county to reduce overhead.
Park County Commissioners – RE: Park County Library Board Interviews
Interviews were conducted for one Cody and one Powell opening on the
Library Board.
• John Bynum – Cody – no show
• Lee Haines – Cody
• Holly Hatfield – Cody
• Tom Prusaczyk – Cody
Park County Commissioners – RE: Park County Library Board Interviews - Continued
• Pat Stuart – Powell
After discussion Commissioner Overfield made a motion to appoint Lee Haines of Cody and Pat Stuart of Powell to fill the Library Board openings, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Museum Board Interview
• Dakota Russell – Cody
• Victoria Wallop – Cody
After discussion Commissioner Overfield made a motion to re-appoint Dakota Russell to the Museum Board, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Park County Commissioners – RE: Discussion on Park County 5th Penny Tax Resolution
The Commissioners after discussion regarding comments on no new taxes, but taxpayers wanting all services and quality of life to remain the same. The resolution will be considered and signed by the entities and returned to the county for the Commissioner’s consideration to have the question placed on the November 3 ballot.
Park County Engineer, Brian Edwards – RE: Consideration and Approval of 2020 CMAQ Dust Suppressant Project and Award Park County 1981 Chevy Pickup Truck Bid
After review of the bids, Mr. McDonald recommended awarding the bid to Dust Buster Enterprise in the amount of $146,899.10 which was the low bid. Commissioner Overfield made a motion to approve the 2020 CMAQ bid at $5,491.00 per unit, Commissioner Fulkerson seconded, and motion carried.
Mr. Marsh after reviewing the bids on the 1981 Chevy Pickup with two identical bids of $2,600 explained the Commissioner’s options. First, would be to recall the bidders and have them rebid, draw names, or allow the Park County resident to have preference. After discussion Commissioner Fulkerson made a motion to award Charles Sullivan the Park County resident the bid, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Executive Session.
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to enter executive session pursuant to W.S. § 16-4-405 (a) (ix), Commissioner Thiel seconded, and motion carried.
Commissioner Livingston moved to exit from executive session, Commissioner Fulkerson seconded, and motion carried. No decisions were made in or as a result of the executive session.
Commissioner Overfield made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Thiel seconded, and the motion carried.
Joe Tilden, Chairman
Lee Livingston, Vice Chairman
Jake Fulkerson, Commissioner
Dossie Overfield, Commissioner
Lloyd Thiel, Commissioner
Colleen Renner, County Clerk
Publ., Tues., June 23, 2020
